The other four subscales each split into two orthogonal factors. This is where the role of teachers comes in. 2018 H. Jerome Freiberg You are not required to obtain permission to reuse this article in part or whole. In a context of productivity and capacity building, Olanisimi, Adeniyi, and Olawales (Citation2011) study aims to ascertain the creativity fostering behaviour of primary school teachers. A study standing alone, however well done, has little usefulness; ensuring or facilitating comparisons with other like studies enhances its value in a wider context. Pioneer classroom ecology researches like Bronfenbrenner (1977), Moos (1979), and much later Fraser (2002) all emphasized the importance . More details can of course be found in the original articles and interested creativity researchers are certainly encouraged to read them in their original forms. But, there is also the need to empirically test out the theory, an activity that calls for adequate measurement. Note: The rescaled means and SDs are for five items per subscale using six-point scale as in the original CFTIndex. Creativity researchers have used the CFTIndex for varied purposes, including several Ph.D. theses. The three widest spread of scores go to Evaluation, Judgement and Flexibility, indicating that teachers had less agreement for these. Since teachers play a crucial role in developing student creativity, we focused on predictors of teachers' willingness to foster creativity in a classroom. The studies were conducted in various countries in the past few years as listed below: America (Edinger, Citation2008; Lee & Kemple, Citation2014). This is a welcome feature that brings about a better understanding of teacher behaviour and this is does not found in the other studies using the CFTIndex. The behavior of teacher should be supportive which helps to develop independence learning among the students. Make it clear to students that creativity requires effort. Seen from this perspective, creativity is a behavioral trait which teachers are expected to promote or foster in the students. Creativity fostering teacher behaviour a .,, I encourage students to show me what they have learned on their own, I teacher my students the basics and leave them to find out more for themselves, I leave questions for my students to find out for themselves, I teach students the basics and leave room for individual learning, I leave open-ended questions for my students to find the answers for themselves, In my class, students have opportunities to share ideas and views, Students in my class have opportunities to do group work regularly, Students in my class are encouraged to contribute to the lesson with their ideas and suggestions, I encourage students to ask questions and make suggestions in my class, Students in my class are expected to work in group cooperatively, Learning the basic knowledge/skills well is emphasized in my class, I emphasize the importance of mastering the essential knowledge and skills, My students know that I expect them to learn the basic knowledge and skills well, Moving from one topic to the next quickly is, When my students have some ideas, I get them to explore further before I take a stand, When my students suggest something, I follow it up with questions to make them think further, I do not give my view immediately on students ideas, whether I agree or disagree with them, I comments on students ideas only after they have been more thoroughly explored, I encourage students to do things differently although doing this takes up more time, In my class, I probe students idea to encourage thinking, I encourage my students to ask questions freely even if they appear irrelevant, I encourage my students to think in different directions even if some of the ideas may not work, I like my students to take time to think in different ways, I allow my students to deviate from what they are told to do, I expect my students to check their own work instead of waiting for me to correct them, I provide opportunities for my students to share their strong and weak points with the class, My students know that I expect them to check their own work before I do, In my class, students have opportunities to judge for themselves whether they are right or wrong, I allow my students to show one another their own work before submission, I follow up on my students suggestions so that they know I take them seriously, When My students have questions to ask, I listen to them carefully, My students know I do not dismiss their suggestions lightly, I listen to my students suggestions even if they are not practical or useful, I listen patiently when my students ask questions that may sound silly, I encourage my students to try out what they have learned from me in different situations, When my students put what they have learned into different uses, I appreciate them, My students are encouraged to do different things with what they have learned in class, I dont mind my students trying out their own ideas and deviating from what I have shown them, Students are allowed to go beyond what I teach them within my subject, My students who are frustrated can come to me for emotional support, I help students who experience failure to cope with it so that they regain their confidence, I help my students to draw lessons from their failure, I encourage students who have frustration to take it as part of the learning process, I encourage students who experience failure to find other possible solutions. With the given sample size, all correlations are statistically significant (p<.05). During this time an international review board was established and continues Recently, the European Science Foundation has recognized JCI in its list of quality international research journals. However, SDs and reliabilities are not available from the article, except that for the CFTIndex as a whole has an =.98 which is much greater than the =.70 expected of research instrument. Creativity is a critical component for the type of divergent thinking necessary for innovation. Win vouchers worth INR 2,000 with our School Referral Program, End-to-end solution for learning and teaching, Extensive library of learning resources for students and teachers, Create high quality assessments with minimal effort, All the fee management tools you need under a single roof, All your student data at your finger tips in one click, Seamless lead management and admission process digitization, School name must have atleast 3 characters, Phone number must have atleast 7 digits and atmost 15 digits, Phone number must have atleast 7 digits and atmost 15 Celebrate innovation and creativity. Cropley & Cropley, Citation2013). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin MSA of .925 indicates a perfect sampling adequacy. The author might have some good reasons to change the format and reporting, but doing so prevent direct comparisons to be made across studies. The average age of the teachers was 36.8 (SD=3.7). Comparisons with the original CFTIndex (Soh, Citation2000) shows that for all subscales the Chile groups had greater means, especially for Independence, Flexibility, Consultation (Question) and Opportunities where the Cohens ds indicate large effects. There are many data collection instruments for measuring student creativity but there is a dearth of instruments to measure creativity fostering behaviours of teachers. Granted that student creativity is an important educational goal, the fostering of student creativity has become an added responsibility of teachers. However, before getting into the conditions required for fostering creativity in students, it is important to see what the driving factors are that affect creativity in students. In both cases, the original six-point scale was used. The schools were located in city, town, village and remote rural community. In Hondzels (Citation2013) Ph.D. thesis, Hondzel intended to find out the creativity fostering behaviours of primary school teachers. Thus, generally, this sample consisted mainly of senior, highly qualified and experience faculty members. Explicitly discuss creativity myths and stereotypes with your students. Of the respondents, 14% aged 3140years, 27% aged 4150years and 59% aged 51 or more years. The case study design included gathering data through interviews and observations. Leverage their intrinsic motivation to learn by giving them opportunities to choose their own topics while learning and sharing that knowledge with the class. Our offerings like education erp, admission management system, fee management system, and others conveniently digitize educational organizations. This time, the total variances explained for the subscales are shown in Table 2 together with the means and SDs for the CFTIndex and its nine subscales. Creativity is also a life skill, which can help students unlock new avenues in their personal self-expression. The information from the various studies was combined for a broader view of the nine subscales and the CFTIndex as a whole. In their conclusion, the authors noted that there is a need to use instruments for data collection grounded in the classroom context so as to inform in-depth study. Todays youth are the future of the nation, and it is within the control of a good teacher to help them become the best version of themselves. Fostering understanding through education, organizing and advocacy. When teaching creativity in early childhood classrooms, students may not understand the context where creativity is most valuable or appropriate. The Journal began its publication as the Classroom Interaction Newsletter by Dr. Anita Simon of Temple University in Philadelphia, with editorial adviser Dr. Ned Flanders. Correlations among the nine subscales were also estimated and the lowest is r=.26 between Independence (subscale 1) and Question (subscale 7) and the highest is r=.74 between Integration (subscale 2) and Flexibility (subscale 5). In view of the recent Ph.D. dissertations and other studies which used it for data collection, and in view of the prevalent mood about creativity fostering, more studies like those annotated here can be expected. This implies that if training are to be given, trainers are likely to find it more difficult to raise the level and, at the same time, to attain greater consensus. Teachers must refrain from commenting or passing judgment on a piece of work a student has done without proper observation. This serves two useful purposes. In terms of teaching experience, 20% had less than 10years, 39% had between 11 and 20years, and 41% had 21 or more years. If the student believes that their idea is truly unique and creative, they will present it with complete confidence, but if they have relatively low self-esteem, they will consider themselves to be less creative, which will affect their creativity. Introduction. In 1977, the Journal was passed to Jerome Freiberg at the University of Houston, College of Education, where it currently housed. Educators can set the guidelines for how students can offer constructive feedback in ways that will be well-received and helpful to their classmates. How teachers respond to their students' ideas, views and suggestions during lessons can be expected to have an influence on the students' subsequent effort and inclination in coming up with new ideas, views and suggestions. Creativity fostering teacher behaviour around the world: Annotations of studies using the CFTIndex Kaycheng Soh1* Abstract: Teachers play a critical role in the development of student creativity. They taught Chinese, mathematics and General Studies. Of course, it remains to be seen how the changes affect the interpretation of the results. Moreover, pre-service teachers own creativity-related experiences fully/partially mediated the relationship between Openness and CFTIndex scores. Although the study does not report as a routine the reliabilities of the CFTIndex and its subscales, it provides interesting new information in the correlations between subscale scores and student creativity; these lead evidence to the validity of the CFTIndex in a different way. It can be recommended to the researchers who will used the scale to make their interpretation according to 33 items and nine subscales (p. 321). (, Preservice teachers personality traits and engagement in creative activities as predictors of their support for childrens creativity, Faculty of Education, University of Antofagasta, Teacher creativity fostering behaviours as determinant of productivity and capacity building in selected special primary schools in Oyo state, Nigeria, Creativity fostering behaviour as an index of productivity and capacity building among lecturers in selected universities in Ogun and Oyo states, Indexing creativity fostering teacher behaviour: A preliminary validation study, Influential factors for teachers creativity: Mutual impacts of leadership, work engagement, and knowledge creation practices, Digital knowledge searching depth and individual creativity, A dual-state model of creative cognition for supporting strategies that foster creativity in the classroom, Creativity and early talent development in the arts in young and schoolchildren, Teachers self-evaluation of teaching behaviour for fostering creativity, Teachers and pupils perceptions of creativity across different key stages. Back-translation was conducted to check translation equivalence and it was decided to use a five-point scale instead of the original six-point scale after a discussion. The age range was between 32 and 64years with a mean of 44.3 (SD=2.36). The CFTIndex was translated into Spanish and renamed as Learning Style Self-Assessment Scale, but the structure of the nine subscales and eight of the nine subscale names were retained, with Question renamed as Consultation. Following the exploratory factor analysis which yielded the above results, a confirmatory factor analysis was run to verify the obtained structure. Since CFTIndex is a social measure and social measures tend to be more fallible, reporting reliabilities also serve the purpose of cautioning other researchers not to over-trust a set of research outcomes but to take due caution against over-interpretation which may lead to misinformation and wrong decision. As the author reported the mean (and SD) for the average of five items of each subscale, these were rescaled for the original five items. Moreover, new studies are likely to appear in time to come (for instance, at the time of writing, there was a request to use it for research purpose from Hong Kong) and an update is necessary in the future. The mean shows the averaged performance level of a group but does not show the spread of its scores which has implication for its precision and hence trustworthiness. The teacher must also be wary of the language they use. In other words, the findings of the original study have been replicated by and large. Creativity is a pivotal soft skill to be developed in students but is rarely emphasized by teachers in learning due to many factors, the teacher not knowing the right way to improve student . Integrating the two sets of rankings for the means and SDs, it is obvious that Evaluation and Judgement both have low means and high SDs. Others are as simple as learning to identify opportunities to help students exercise their creativity. Table 9 below was reconstructed from the text which reports that These results were similar to the construct validity results of the original scale developed by Soh (Citation2000) (p. 321). Role Of Teacher In Fostering Creativity Among Students Teachers reported that they are more likely to use creativity in learning if they allow students to do each of the following: 1) choose what to learn in class; 2) try different ways of doing things, even if they might not work; 3) come up with their own solutions to a problem. The scale has since been used by researchers in America, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Turkey and Singapore since its first appearance in the Journal of Creativity Behavior in 2000. This drops to 75% among teachers who foster classroom creativity but use technology in more substitutional ways (replacing paper and pencil with tablets or . Note: All correlation coefficients are statistically significant (p<.05). The correlations lend support to the concurrent validity of the CFTIndex. Teachers who help their students to become authors of their lives, take ownership and develop personal interest in their own work stimulate students' motivation, and increase their drive to learn. The 45 items formed the 9 subscales, and the CFTIndex as a whole were tested on a group of 117 teachers in Singapore. Almost one-and-a-half decades have passed since the publication of CFTIndex on 2000. digits, Tips To Help Students Grow In a Competitive Environment. There were 4 male and 18 female teachers in the sample. For data collection, self-report was gathered by using the original CFTIndex; six-point scale was used. Registered in England & Wales No. Among these only four (2.5%) references pertain to teachers . The need for such an interment was thus argued for, Where creativity fostering behaviour of teachers is concerned, the lack of suitable measuring instruments will limit the relevant discourse to the philosophical and conceptual levels (which are, of course, important in their own right as a subdomain of creativity research). Moreover, significance differences were found for creative fostering behaviours among subject groups of teachers. Dr. Simon indicated in 1965 that the original purpose of the Newsletter was to meet the need to share, discuss and disseminate new ideas regarding research methodology, and variables that generated new knowledge about classroom interaction (Freiberg, 1977). Whether creativity is born or bred is a naturenurture question beyond the scope of this article. They further argued that there was a relevant desirability that acquires a substantive priority, taking into account how important it is for developing professional competencies, the transfer value it has for meaningful learning, and the pertinence it gives to a sensible curriculum (p. 28). Used for data collection was the CFTindex which has 45 items forming 9 subscales. As shown in Table 10, there are generally differences between the facultys and students scores, in favour of the former group. Each item was presented with a six-point scale, with 6 for All the time and 1 for Never. The present article is an effort to summarize and highlight information pertaining to the CFTIndex and put them in a form for ready referencing by future researchers. Methodologically, the study followed very closely the original study when the CFTIndex was first developed, although reliabilities are not reported. coaches in the role of teachers, and (3) from passive learners to active problem solvers in the role of students" (Tan, 2004, p. 203). SCAMPER) a year prior to this study conducted by the first author. As shown therein, the five subscales which have reliabilities >.80 are Frustration, Integration, Judgement Opportunities and Question. The study involved 27 primary school teachers (11 males and 16 females) 17 of whom had eight or less years of teaching and 10 had more. However, this creativity in students is short-lived as they will find it difficult to explore their artistic side along with the school curriculum. In short, teachers are in a strategic position to foster creativity of their students, if the teachers are able to and in a habit of demonstrating creativity fostering behaviour in the day-to-day interaction with their students. A third way to foster student creativity is to immerse them in a social environment which promotes creativity. The 'Teacher Roles in Free Play Scale' and the 'Creativity Fostering Teacher Index Scale' (CFTIndex) were used during data collection. As shown in Table 1, the correlations between CFTIndex subscales and Creative Person scores varied from r=.25 (Evaluation) to r=.45 (Integration), with r=.45 for the CFTIndex as a whole. As shown in Table 8, the Cronbachs coefficients for the nine subscales are generally high and the median of the coefficients is =.83 which is greater than the conventionally expected =.7 for research instrument, though somewhat lower for the expected =.9 for making decisions on individuals. Thus, generally, the CFTIndex and its subscales yielded reliable scores and can be confidently used for further research. To make use of this cultural and societal shift, it is necessary to foster creativity in the younger generation so that they can pave the way for the future. Each manuscript is double blind reviewed by members of the standing review board and/or guest reviewers. For each of the nine principles, five statements of teacher behaviour in the classroom context were written to depict those teacher behaviours consistent with each principle. These are substantial evidence of concurrent validity in that respondents who saw themselves as being more creative also scored higher on CFTIndex and its subscales. These are not just buzzwords; they are now key themes when discussing policy making, business strategy, and . Giving creative feedback is one of the simpler ways to stimulate creative thinking, which can make it easy to overlook. As alluded to above, comparison with other studies enhance the value of an otherwise isolated study. 2016). Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion and Emotional Stability). For this reason, the author retained the original names of the subscales. The sample was drawn on 172 teachers, with different teaching . Table 1 also shows the means (and SDs) for the subscales and the CFTIndex as a whole. He further suggested that the CFTIndex could be used for in-depth qualitative research and to explore the relationship between creativity abilities and experience of administration. How teachers respond to their students ideas, views and suggestions during lessons can be expected to have an influence on the students subsequent effort and inclination in coming up with new ideas, views and suggestions.
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