By 1 April 1970, 242 craft, worth more than $68 million, had been turned over under the ACTOV program. Advisors were assigned to the Sea, River, and Junk Forces, to the Naval Shipyard in Saigon, and to the Vietnamese Navy Headquarters. In attempting to restore the records to their original arrangement, they first were divided into those of Chief, Naval Advisory Group and Commander, Naval Forces Vietnam. As a result of his visit, Project Beef-up was launched, which, in addition to more men, money, and supplies for the Vietnamese military, called for increased U. S. operational participation in the war. The brigade from the 101st Airborne Division was originally planned to replace the 173d Airborne Brigade but, with the need for additional combat forces, both brigades remained in South Vietnam. Two of these are the subject and serial files of the immediate office of the Commander. Naturally, stand-off weapons, frequently command-fired from concealed positions well inland, became more attractive to the enemy. Significantly, this marked the formal recognition of the Naval Advisory Group's new role as an operational as well as an advisory command. By the fall of 1965, U. S. Navy units in Vietnam included: (1) the Marines in I Corps; (2) Navy support personnel under ComPhibPacs command at Da Nang and Chu Lai (on 1 October Naval Support Activity, Da Nang, was established under ComUSMACVs operational control and PhibPac support terminated); (3) Construction Battalions in I Corps and Seabee Teams throughout the country who also worked under the Military Assistance Command Vietnam; (4) the Officer in Charge of Construction and his organization; (5) the Naval Advisory Group; (6) the Headquarters Support Activity, Saigon (whose responsibilities were being phased out and taken over by the U. S. Army); (7) the Military Sea Transportation Service Office, Vietnam; and (8) numerous smaller activities. On 20 February 1968, Deputy ComUSMACV (Forward) requested that ComNavForV designate a senior naval officer to act as a task force Commander whose mission would be "to coordinate overall activities concerning the movement and protection of LCUs and LCMs through inland waterways to Hue ramps." The third and perhaps most important task was to develop and recommend a plan which, if approved, would make it possible to accelerate the scheduled turnover of U. S. Navy equipment to the Vietnamese. The decision had been made in Washington that Vietnamization was vital to continued home support of the war. At the time, the Military Assistance Advisory Group was the only U.S. military headquarters in South Vietnam. By 1954, the strength of the French Navy engaged in the Indochina War stood at more than 10,000 men, and the tiny Vietnamese Navy mustered an additional 1,500 officers and men. The addition of 17 more craft in October brought the force very close to its authorized allowance of 182 boats. Until 1964 the Viet Cong were not equipped with standardized weapons and fought with a large variety of French, Russian, Chinese, and captured American arms. As provided for in the organization of the task force headquarters in the contingency plans, MACV's commander was also his own Army component commander. The people of the Nam Can were warned by the Viet Cong to stay away from Sea Float. The ships and barges that made up the floating support assets were also to a great extent pulled from our aging mothball fleet. See if you can find any more photos for positive ID. Well documented infiltration routes had been traced, and it was one of the three aims of Sea Lords to bar these where they crossed or followed navigable water. [8]:270. Neither was available. The terrain of the Rung Sat is ideally suited to guerrilla warfare. Combined operations in November and December 1968 cleared the important Cho Gao Canal and swept through the Can Tho Crossing corridor and the Dung Island complex in the Bassac River. Maximum use was made of SEAL, EOD, and UDT men. In essence, the early planning envisioned a highly mobile force of river assault craft and embarked troops capable of sustained search and destroy missions in the Delta. "[8]:270, The air-conditioned structure of two-story prefabricated buildings, a little more than a third the size of its Washington namesake, included twelve acres of enclosed office space. See the offers. Attempts were made to coordinate their operations with TF 116 and TF 117 units with widely varying success depending upon the areas and personalities concerned. On 7 August, a Joint Resolution of the Congress affirmed that the United States would continue to support the Republic of Vietnam and "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States. By the end of the year, the U. S. military strength in Vietnam numbered about 23,000 officers and men. Significant improvement in the existing structure and performance of the Vietnamese Navy would also be required. In April the operation expanded rapidly. We learned about theses guys in SEAL history during BUD/S. Shortly before 0600 on 20 February, therefore, both companies were again landed. Many of those ships were tired relics of our great merchant fleet of World War II, soon to be consigned to the scrap heap. Three were destroyed, and the fourth was forced to turn back before she entered the "contiguous" zone. The facilities at Cua Viet were almost constantly subject to enemy artillery and rocket attack, and the pressures and rigors of life at this exposed forward base were extreme. Thanks VetFriends. In the same month the Vietnamese Navy was finally persuaded to absorb the Junk Force into the regular Navy, a move long urged by advisors as one which might lead to increasing the effectiveness of coastal patrols. The roofs of huts were strengthened for defense against mortar attack, and the sides were heavily sand-bagged to afford protection from small arms fire. A most significant factor was the deplorable care, housing, and security of dependent families. 2 The Stevie Line is the geographic division in the Gulf of Thailand between Vietnam and Cambodia. USSAG was activated on 11 February 1973 under the command of commander of MACV. Training activities ashore suffered from a lack of facilities and a lack of instructors. U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) was a joint-service command of the United States Department of Defense. Five Coastal Surveillance Centers (Da Nang, Qui Nhon, Nha Trang, Vung Tau, and An Thoi) were responsible for coordinating U. S. Navy and Vietnamese Navy patrol units. At one time charcoal preparation was an important source of the areas meager wealth. Robert Cameron. They live with their Vietnamese counterparts. It was hoped that this move would increase the morale and the performance of the force. Lieutenant Bowers promptly notified the Second Coastal Zone Senior Advisor, Lieutenant Commander Harvey P. Rodgers, U. S. Navy, in Nha Trang. Later in the month the USS Benewah (APB-35) reported. Distinguished Flying Cross, Operational loss, Vietnam, 559th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Fixed Wing, USNA 22nd Company. Complicating the task of engaging and destroying Doan-10 was the fact that the unit enjoyed a relatively safe and untouched base camp area just north of the Rung Sat area of operations in the Nhon Trach District of Bien Hoa Province. Late in September 1965, representatives of CNO, CinCPac, CinCPacFlt, ComUSMACV, and CNAG met in Saigon to review the progress of Market Time operations to that date. The Navy section of MAAG Indochina was thus intimately concerned with the training and logistic support required to use the material we were then furnishing the French. He could no longer approach or withdraw from the river with his old assurance. Finally, the Report indicated that U. S. Navy forces might have to ' be deployed in the Delta rivers to stop Communist infiltration, thus anticipating later Game Warden operations. Coast Guard Squadron One provided WPBs for barrier patrols along the seventeenth parallel and in the Gulf of Thailand. rockets, some of which were wired for command firing from camouflaged spider holes many meters away from the banks. With the eviction of Viet Cong "tax collectors" from the principal water routes, civilian traffic on the rivers noticeably increased. After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. In April, Operation Silver Mace II was launched with combined U. S. Navy, U. S. Air Force, Vietnamese Army, Navy, and Marine Corps units. River assault craft not only landed and extracted troops, but also provided close and accurate gunfire support, medical evacuation of the wounded, and the supply of ammunition. If you served in USMC Advisory Team Rung Sat Special Zone (RSSZ), Naval Advisory Group Vietnam, Join TWS for free to . All Navy personnel then being ordered to Vietnam reported to Military Assistance Command Vietnam for further assignment to the Naval Advisory Group, and Westmoreland delegated operational control of assigned naval forces to the Chief, Naval Advisory Group. Seemingly from nowhere, skilled masons appeared and began the painstaking reconstruction of the areas once ubiquitous beehive charcoal kilns. There was always the danger that one of his attacks might succeed in sinking a large ship in the deep water channel, thereby disrupting the flow of supplies to Saigon. At the conclusion of their meeting, recommendations were made to increase the number of off-shore patrol ships from 9 to 14, to double the patrol aircraft coverage, to increase the number of PCPs available for inshore work from 54 to 84 and the number of WPBs from 17 to 26. On 1 June the transit was made. In following months additional equipment was transferred to the Vietnamese Navy, primarily patrol craft, and accelerated training of both officers and enlisted men began; some of it in schools in the United States. Though we live in what has frequently been termed the "air age" or even the "space age," the fact remains that fully 96 per cent of the immense quantities of material delivered to Vietnam to support the war came in ships. These were given the nicknames Friendship and Platypus. Over the course of 1962 U.S. military strength in South Vietnam rose from about 1,000 to over 11,000 personnel. Drawn carefully on a map, the Rung Sat Special Zone looks curiously like a human brain, its convolutions etched by numberless rivers and streams. The 5th Special Forces Group was also established in-country by 1965. [11]:52 The DAO was activated on 28 January 1973 with United States Army Major General John E. Murray, formerly MACV director of logistics, as the Defense Attach and United States Air Force Brigadier General Ralph J. Maglione, formerly the MACV J-1 (Director for Manpower and Personnel), as deputy Defense Attach. The Special Forces company commander reported that he couldnt hold the beachhead overnight and that with "very little arms and ammunition remaining, it was not worthwhile to land again. In May 1961, President Kennedy announced an expansion of the Military Assistance Program for Vietnam, including large increases in the paramilitary Junk Force, which had been operating some 80 sailing junks on patrols near the seventeenth parallel, since about I960. Naval Forces, Vietnam Monthly Historical Summary for July 1969 Descriptive Note: Corporate Author: NAVAL FORCES VIETNAM FPO SAN FRANCISCO 96626 Personal Author (s): Report Date: 1969-10-01 Pagination or Media Count: 117.0 Abstract: By the fall of 1968, on the eve of the introduction of the U. S. naval command's Accelerated Turnover (ACTOV) Program, the personnel strength of the Vietnamese Navy was more than 17,500. In 1959-1960 he attended the U. S. Naval War College, and his most recent assignment prior to re-assuming command of the Vietnamese Navy was that of Commander, Regional Force Boat Group, a command which did not fall under the operational control of the Navy, and which obviously and providentially had afforded the new Commander-in-Chief some relief from the necessity of having to choose sides in the recent political machinations of the naval officer corps. The advisory role was taking second priority and receiving less command attention than the growing direct involvement of U. S. fighting units. The latter unit formed the naval component of the joint Army-Navy Mobile Riverine Force.
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