Bass is the Coalition's most marginal seat and was hard fought at the last election. This is Generation Potter. Its a fascinating time in Australian politics and weve not seen it for 240+ years; that is how long it takes Pluto to come around to Aquarius, the sign of truly democratic groups and people power spread across, not from the top down. It rules politicians, employers, corporations and big business. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. 23 taurus My Birth Chart Taurus 35 12 R seats and will reduce the Coalition to 34. Best days for doing things: 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31. Uranus in Taurus is about sudden upheaval and it can arrive in a flash. The Crikey comment section is members-only content. Is it health reasons or political? 10 capricorn My Birth Chart Capricorn 43 32 So many people I have spoken to do not want to vote for either party. People will change their minds, actually in the voting booth. There seems to be so many layers to this election and I just wanted to know your thoughts on the following issues. Minns will be Premier in a minority government. Pluto in Capricorn has given us very successful plutocrats at the top for many years, and we all know power corrupts; absolute power corrupts, absolutely. This is over from March 2023. Two retrogrades is two too many, so if you do want to fly, be aware of the risk of cancellation or delay. Viewing his horoscope, with Venus (money) in transit through Leo (official) between June 5, 2023, and October 9, 2023, and meeting adversely with five of his natal planets, his dealings with Russia regarding armaments, semi-conductors, computer chips and military electronics apparatus will not please the US or the political and military personnel of Ukraine. True Astrology Predictions in 2023 The Mayo School of Astrology recently asked me to talk about news prediction in astrology. Astrologers are still waiting to see birth times from either politician. This looks like an election upset, according to the heavens. after 9 Years of a Liberal Government. The second half of June is much better, as Mercury is back to normal and commitments have a better chance of being firm and lasting. We are seeing Mercury Retrograde and other factors, on the May 21st election, which we saw on the two previous hung parliaments. We may see resignations. Astrologically, May 2023 will be an extremely memorable month with the King of the United Kingdom, Charles III, receiving his crown on May 6 (full Moon). The party's odds have recently moved in from 1.29 to a new price of 1.26 to secure a majority - a reaction to Labor's state victory in New South Wales in March.. I am a long time reader but first time commenter. In The useful thing about astrology is that it cuts through the noise. Ive heard people who are not happy with one or two policies, to the point where they are secretly planning to vote in a really individual, scattered way. All? I suspect that Uranus was at work also, with all the swings and secure Liberal seats that were lost? May 15th-19th will be an interesting week as Jupiter enters the financial sign of Taurus (banks-lending institutions-cash rate) affecting currencies, with Mars (action) to follow in Leo (gold) from the 20th. What do you think will happen to the likes of Rupert Murdoch and Peter Costello when it comes to media interference and influence in this and future elections? But both hemispheres will have to make financial and budgetary changes to adjust to the adverse inflation, international debt, currency values, and slow economic activity indicated in most countries, including the continuing expense of the Russian/Ukraine war. We have to be honest about these classic astrological outcomes on this cycle. It mutated into a new variant called Delta, which came from India. June 2021 headlines were all about the Covid vaccine (ATAGIs recommendation of Pfizer for adults under 60; plus supply issues; and mandating the Covid vaccine for workers in aged-care). AIDS is controlled and managed these days. Im a newbie member who has recently discovered your blog. E.g., if it is to be a hung parliament, will true balance of power occur if Libra is not there? The outcome will signal the end of globalisation, from 2026, which is written in the future by Uranus in Gemini (the revolution in local French life). Hi Jessica, yes indeed, you are soo correct. Hi Jessica, As an astrologer youd say that politicians share activities with Qantas, Jetstar and Virgin and Sydney Airport would be high on the list. Keep up with the latest ASX and business news. Thank you. I see into the future for a living and I am worried about coal, gas and petrol. The most famous recent example of a Mercury Retrograde election was Donald Trumps failed bid for presidency against Joe Biden, with Mike Pence. has visited this website and read the monthly predictions, Add Greens and Independents and the total non-coalition number is 75. In comparing this years half-Senate election with the 2016 Hi Jessica. We have to really look at Australia as a whole, not Dutton or Frydenberg. Basically I feel one leader is about ME and the other is about WE. 16 sagittarius My Birth Chart Sagittarius 36 38 Without tolerance we collectively do not get the rewards. The Fool turned out to be the rather foolish Josh Frydenberg, the former treasurer, who used a guide dogs charity for endorsement on his campaign, thus attracting the anger of many guide dogs donors. That would be a nightmare for In his solar chart, which is the only one we can use (without AA data) that is in and out of his First House of image, reputation, profile, appearance all year. All hoping for the same thing. Federal Election 2022 - Australia Votes National two-party preferred estimate Coalition 47.9% Labor 52.1% 3.7% swing to ALP FEDERAL ELECTION 2022 | Full Results 76 to win 89.7 % turnout, final figures 0 Seats in doubt L/NP 58 ALP 77 OTH 16 Trump compares investigations into him to 'Stalinist Russia' at first campaign rally in Waco Mercury going backwards and forwards sounds like a lot of bargaining (below). Hes about spin and she is about facts. Aquarius is about diversity and equality, pooling resources, shared power within a group of unique individuals, among whom are minorities. Retrograde is going back. The reason this is important is that a similar story appears in your natal cart. The "blue" of the Liberals are symbolised by the mountains left behind The Fool (including the Pluto in Capricorn???) None of the cards landed upright. The result of the federal election can be forecast with 95% accuracy, according to one analysis of Google data . My prediction stands: we will take a long time to find out the ultimate winners in every place. There will be a swing in votes to the left in three states, Goldstein prediction. The Tarot fell on the floor, when I was discussing the election chart itself, set for Saturday, and so it was a snapshot of that day. Morrison. Im totally terrified because Elon Musk is reckless (showing criminal tendency) and racist . Same cycle! Banks: 5th, 18th, 19th, 23rd. Hes lost weight, found stylish glasses and obviously been coached for media appearances. While, I love to hear your opinion about the following. A significant number of lower house seats have already been predicted by me (with my reasoning) in my articles of April 28 How Abbott, Morrison and Hawke bungled Warringah and of May 4 My predictions for five once blue ribbon Liberal seats. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You know how I feel Enter a national swing, select state by state swings, or choose one of the stored opinion polls, to see the result that could be produced by the chosen swing. I feel so much hope for Australia now and I am just going to go back and have a read of your Albo article, electric trains and a empathic Pisces with excellent negotiation skills! But sadly, if you dont have a great independent running in your area what are the options. It is very likely that Morrison would go overseas with the Pentecostal church by May 2022 or October-December 2022, if he is ever going to make that choice. I agree with you that Albanese appears to speak from his heart, not his head. You detailed article above was such an excellent guide to this election and so spot on! Albanese on the other hand isnt as polished and well spoken, even a little clumsy and overwhelmed at press conferences, but I feel this is because he is speaking from his heart and not his head at times. And if Pluto plays a part, Im thinking that last time it was in its present place, 1780s, the colony was imposing itself upon a flourishing, diverse, vibrant land of many First Nations. Hmm I wonder if history will repeat and this present Taurus PM also concedes? I feel for him being PM is about having the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Australians, rather than prestige. The Australian newspaper reported on Wednesday that the poll showed Labor would win 80 seats, giving it an outright majority, and that the Liberals were on course to lose Goldstein, Kooyong,. Uranus, the planet ruling Aquarius, is also associated with independence/independents. 2022 Australian federal election Welcome to the Tally Room's guide to the next Australian federal election. It then mutated into Omicron, which came from South Africa. So, in matters of image, branding, name and so on he was already going backwards. This seems most likely. I have emailed at least one Liberal party identity before and had no reply (about birth data) so gave up. The accepted norms for predicting election outcomes based on economic management, employment, taxes, budget deficits and national debts are all unreliable and break down national approaches even further into region-by-region and electorate-by-electorate campaigns in the next election. According to political betting sites, Labor look ready to control the 2025 federal election and sweep to another victory.. 24 scorpio My Birth Chart Scorpio 58 19 First, territory They have carefully planned this. The full title of the article is How does Australias voting system work? and here is a part of it: One Nations Pauline Hanson and Larissa Waters of the Greens are good examples of how it works. Australia. Well this is encouraging. People are going to change their minds on this election. fortuna My Birth ChartFortuna The biggest problem will be money and capital to live and work with, as banks and financial institutions will be non-operational. Or possibly a threat to the Liberal Party in general? Thank you. Amazing win and HUGE boost for globalism on steroids! I like your numerology angle on the Australian election day. Disappointing because personally I have had enough of our current prime minster and his gang of boofy egotistical men and strongly believe that Australia and more importantly the people deserve so much better. I love dogs i bet theyre celebrating, too Employment opportunities during May should rise with Mars (urgent) in Leo (business) and with Jupiter (expansion) linking with Saturn (security) during May/June. A Gemini, Aquarius and Scorpio line-up that suggests Twitter is about humanitarianism and brotherhood/sisterhood (Aquarius) as well as the obvious quick communication and wit (Gemini) and with a distinct financial and business angle. Guy Rundle predicts the outcome of Saturday night. The other concern is people voting by telephone, because they are infected with COVID-19. Here is my 2022 Australian Federal Election Prediction as of July 27th 2020 - Don't believe the polls they are fake news. Jessica, do you have an article about Australias 1960s rebirth? You are solely responsible for what you post. Long-term, Pluto in Aquarius will get rid of the two-party system as power (Pluto) is with the human family (Aquarius) as a whole and that means a really mixed bunch in Canberra. Expect with Mars (manufacturing) in Leo (new product) a range of new economically-priced electric motor and trade vehicles to flood the marketplace. I agree that Anthony Albanese has gained from the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. I wish it wasnt so, but COVID-19 will mutate again. As Neptune, planet of unusual happenings with health matters, is presently in the last degrees of Pisces (hospitals, aged care), it would be advisable for those who want extra protection to have a booster jab against Covid 19 and variants and a flu shot to keep away the seasonal nasties. You can look as long as you like, for transits which fall around 17 and 18 degrees now and will not find them. Waters won a higher proportion of votes in the 2019 election, so was elected to a six-year term, expiring on June 30, 2025. Become a subscriber to get full access to the website, as well as our premium newsletters. Aditya Joshi via Unsplash. We shall see, but that seems an appropriate Pluto return from so called settlement days. As a consequence of those losses, my number of Liberals has now become 52. I think COVID was an opportunity to change, perhaps 2023/2024 when COVID mutates as you have predicted we (governments, business and society in general) will realise living with COVID means making changes to prepare for the next pandemic, because if we think that COVID is the only pandemic we will deal with in this century then we are kidding ourselves and the next one maybe much worst( hard to imagine) than COVID. Here is the line-up in Aquarius on voting day. Love the word boofy it is a fine Australian adjective! Reason? We are guided by a deceptively simple, old idea: tell the truth and shame the devil. This may also play a part in what is going to be a chaotic election. The years 2023 and 2024 will be very difficult as Saturn (tests and trials) will oppose the Virgo (health) placements of billions. The astrology of 21st August 2010 is told well by astrology, too. I feel Scott wants to be Prime Minister because of the power and prestige the office holds, he just loves the limelight and performingthe role of PM. Saturn in Aquarius is there all year until Pluto in Aquarius takes over (historic) from March 2023. Star Club Perhaps the Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, really was foolish to try and use the charity Guide Dogs Victoria (without their knowledge, they say) to help advertise himself in the 2022 election. Possible + and Days for the ASX during May 2023. 15 libra My Birth Chart Libra 54 26 You know how I feel Click This is the other famous hung parliament apart from the PM Julia Gillard election. But for most of us here, the choice the country is offered is surely that between sociality and bubble-tea. Australia, Chisholm in Victoria, Boothby in South Australia, and Bass in desc My Birth ChartDESC Electric cars? Mars (action) will also enter the zodiac sign of Leo (gold) on the 20th, enticing gold prices to fluctuate through to July 10, 2023. Vine also correctly predicted the ultimate success of Malcolm Turnbull. When you say that so many people youve spoken to, dont want to vote for either party, you are echoing what the polls are showing. Cant wait for him to fall. CORONATION Contact us on: or call the hotline: +61 (03) 8623 9900. The federal Parliament will meet for a fortnight beginning on Tuesday 8 February during which time it will pass the Religious Discrimination Bill. Gold will continue to be a busy commodity during the next five months with a leveling out of value by October 10, 2023. Watch Thursday 5th May for sudden storms. A decision to be made? cupido My Birth ChartCupido So I need to let you know that. To continue from my previous story. Hanson is up for re-election this year, and I predict she will be elected to a six-year term, and therefore her term will expire on June 30, 2028.. Often using teal, or turquoise, high-profile independent candidates running in wealthy Liberal seats, such as Allegra Spender in Wentworth, Kylea Tink in North Sydney and Zoe Daniel in Goldstein are using Aquarius colours (left). These people are into brotherhood and sisterhood, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, class, religion and other classifications. The point is that there are Constitution Acts in both states with WA fixing its date as the second Saturday in March 2021 . I now give 151 lower house seat predictions but plead with readers that lack of space prevents me from giving more reasoning on individual seats. As promised on Monday How Ill be voting this federal election I make my final predictions for Saturdays election beginning with the House of Representatives. That is part of the concern. It does tend to happen, because Mercury rules paperwork and declarations, so whatever is put in writing or announced tends to change later. Possible + and days for the NYSX during May 2023. Also Barnaby Joyce was restored as National Party leader in a spill. Pluto is in Capricorn for most of 2022 and we are going to see that again and again as the mountain goats at the top try to shuffle each other down or even off. 4 January 2022 8 Comments. One possible outcome is a Labor loss, in Australia, but a mutiny against Scott Morrison by his own party, so we end up with a new Prime Minister (not Scott) but also a hung parliament. Is it correct that a Merc Rx through a sign (like Gemini) begins cycles that conclude in following Merc Rx cycle? If you really want to get inside the head of the tweenagers born with this unique Aquarius pattern in their personal horoscopes, just watch their favourite childhood show, Teletubbies. It's growing more likely that the US could default on its debt as soon as early June if Congress doesn't act, according to a trio of new analyses. A second miracle for Scott Morrison looked quite unlikely. In a double dissolution election, there are two elections, for twelve senators and for six in each state. With the horror scenario of a Liberal minority government with a leadership spill ousting Scott in my mindcan you check Peter Duttons and Josh Frydenbergs charts for any indication of a suddenly elevated role? A record number of Australians are voting early in the 2022 federal election, with many saying they're "sick" of the drawn-out election campaign and want to avoid expected queues on 21 May. They are happy to rend society apart with inequality, with waste, with natural destruction to make a point, or to score one. This just doesnt feel like the Dutton-Morrison-Frydenberg combination at all. He prefers the new to the old. But also more and more working class voters who feel neglected by Labor are starting to pledge support to the UAP. 1+, 2-, 3+, 4+, 5-, 8-, 9+, 10+, 11+, 12+, 15+, 16-, 17+, 18-, 19-, 22-, 23+, 24+, 25-, 26-, 29+, 30-, 31-. On the Opposition side, there are 69 Labor seats. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Frydenberg recently made headlines when Guide Dogs Australia was unwillingly dragged into his campaign. People power for a cause. Aquarian groups are not like the rest. Context is everything with Mercury Retrograde. All Rights Reserved. Weve not seen that before. I find it incredible. Watching the two leaders on the campaign trail, I feel that Scott Morrison is well rehearsed and very polished but fake and cocky. The swing to the Liberals has, on my analysis, been entirely due to Watch him in May. Either way, I think it IS a new dawn in Oz politics. Tarot 3. Thank you. That took 17 days of Mercury Retrograde bargaining. STAR CLUB I hope we see change for the better in one way or many others and for those who deserves justice to receive it. Obviously PM Albanese is well-known for taking his little white dog Toto with him, on the campaign trail. It feels much more like Labor/Green/Independent. Murdoch has a long astrological haul ahead of him during 2024/25 with Saturn (restriction) crossing his natal Sun (first time for 30 years) which may also take a certain toll on his company, and his health. Aquarius the water-bearer was actually the fellow who supplied the Roman Baths, where the community gathered. 2. Labor-lite v crony capitalism what a choice. You are solely responsible for what you post. Tinky Winky carries a red handbag and at one point, believe it or not, was outed as gay. With Mars (violence) in transit through Leo (greed), and Neptune (drugs) in transit through Pisces (secrets), police, security, and legal personnel can expect a busy two months of counter-crime activity, including the solving of cold cases. And it will very specifically concern the EU. This is not a Libra election day, nor in fact a Libra election year. Well likely see the end of two-party for about two decades, starting March 2023. Election uncertainty has added to pressure on Turkish currency. This uses the Natural House System and modern astrology, from our Family and Friends software, on this website. It would be cheating to comment now, as results already have Macron ahead, but of course its not over yet. Yes, Pluto in Aquarius, arriving in slow stages from March 2023, will absolutely put First Nations people on an equal footing in Canberra, along with other powerful players, like the Liberal party, the National party, the Labor party, the Greens and so on. Australia is actually in a terrific position long-term, if we use her 1960s chart. This election in Australia is making people very angry. Will the UAP have an influence in the outcome of this election like in 2019? While I keep a close eye on Nicholls (Victoria) my prediction is that the Nationals will keep their existing 16 seats. Pluto in Aquarius! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge and insight every week. However, during a major war, debt becomes a problem and with the US holding a present debt of around US$32 trillion, it is no wonder the US armed forces are finding it difficult in peace time to replace aircraft, ships, mobile transport units, tanks, and more so spare parts, and accessories. Do you see that as significant? Just take a look on Musk proudly indulging on pot in the name of FREEDOM and arrogance: Not united but divided. One very good reason for the likelihood of a 2022 hung parliament is the rise of women independents. A serious eventful and reorganisation time for the world from 2025 onward. 15 aquarius My Birth Chart Aquarius 30 56 A few people have spotted the white dog in The Fool. At Michael Danby's last election in 2016, the Liberals polled 41.9% on first preferences to Labor 27.0% and the Greens 23.8%. Why, these 3 women are in it for themselves. I have Join here. Milton Postal votes are particularly delayed, in April and May, because Mercury rules the mail. All Rights Reserved. While that is the most likely outcome, our forecast indicates the ALP has a 55.1% chance to win 76 or more seats and form majority government. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. 18 sagittarius My Birth Chart Sagittarius 42 12 The Lovers coalition? Do not be at all surprised if Meghan (Leo), Duchess of Sussex, pulls off her usual status to take a percentage of the limelight off the coronation by having a photo shoot and entourage of press releases for young Prince Archies (Taurus 6 May 2019) birthday bash. China intends to have the worlds biggest navy, and this will cause greater concern for the West regarding Taiwans future security. Now, am declaring my bias here as a Labor/Greens supporter, but this can only be a good interpretation because the song that popped into my head after the resounding election result on Saturday was Michael Buble's "Feeling Good" the lyrics being: The exception is Goldstein explained below. Read More. The astrology of the 2022 Australian election shows delayed results, reshuffles during the campaign as well as post election, wrong calls by the media and a high chance of a hung parliament. I would keep an eye on Rupert Murdoch. Many a politician, economist and trader has visited this website and read the monthly predictions, concerning future global economical trends, including subsequent stock market directions and possible overtones; his predictions are astoundingly accurate. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. I have seen Toto Albaneses Twitter account. Thus, using Bills keywords from 1971 we find that Pluto in Aquarius from 2023 is power through: This is a Mercury Retrograde election like no other. About the Author Guy Rundle Correspondent-at-large The BBC report on the Macron victory says he has divided France over the question of the EU which is also true. The Fool Slomo? 26 sagittarius My Birth Chart Sagittarius 38 23 As a spokesperson for people living with disability, shes been vocal about Scott Morrisons comments about that issue, made during the Sky Leaders Debate and his notorious blessed comment about his daughters. Breeze driftin' on by It literally fell on the floor, from my desk. When will we ever get from under the knee of the Chinese? I knocked my Smith-Waite Tarot deck over when I was writing this feature. Questions of integrity arose. Oil, petrol, gas, food purchases and deliveries would be restricted; health, welfare, stress and living standard complications would be extreme. She is an Asian lesbian in a political world full of straight white men. War between these years, or any world war, will not be just a conventional offensive, it could be catastrophic with the eventual use of anti-satellite missiles to destroy specified electrical communications in space and around the globe; nuclear would be used for certain global targets, and US, China, and Russia would be using electromagnetic and laser-type apparatus to disrupt water supply, power stations and grids that would create chaos for the global population. King Charles will encounter his most turbulent kingship, health, and family years during August 16, 2029, to June 23, 2031. He should have called the election before Mercury Retrograde began in Taurus, his own Sun Sign. In a word, we dont have charts for Albanese or Morrison, to help make a prediction. King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla (Cancer), the royal family and international guests will no doubt enjoy the grandeur, pomp and gluttony of the festivities. Which is why the Governor General went missing ad racked off of the country not so long ago, only to be fond when Scumo wanted to release the date of the election. Its between Penny Wong and Josh frydenberg. Materially, May will be an important month for most people due to the planetary transfers commencing new zodiac cycles. CHINA At first sight, AIDS and 9/11 have nothing in common, until you realise the problem was the airlines and airports. 05 sagittarius My Birth Chart Sagittarius 21 21 Be wary of wrong calls by pundits. !XOO (i.e. Federal Election 2022 Photographer: Ian Waldie/Bloomberg via Getty Images. Scott Morrison has chosen polling day as Saturday 21st May 2022 and were in for some serious flux. The former governor of Lagos state landed in the . It is also possible that Pauline Hanson is in there her preferences are make-or-break and even Julie Bishop.
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