For information on this technique, see the chapter concerning spinal injury management in the Lifesaving merit badge pamphlet. Common symptoms of a heat stroke are throbbing headaches, dizziness, a lack of sweating despite warm weather, or a feeling of weakness. we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. There is no rhythmic breathing since the face and mouth are above the water. Crawl (25 Yards) Back Stroke (25 Yards) Breast Stroke (25 Yards) Side Stroke (25 Yards) . . . After completing the swim, rest by floating. Prior to 2008, there were separate pamphlets Swimming areas of appropriate depth must be defined for each ability group. should be cleaned, disinfected, and covered. If you notice someone is hyperventilating in the water, try to give them something buoyant to hold on to. . You can purchase these at the Scout Shop, or your troop library or a Scout who has finished the badge may have a copy. After the first table is a list of the merit badges, arranged by year (from an upside- Slightly bend your wrists and point your fingers downward. . If you complete the swim in a strong manner in the specified sequence, then you should be rested and able to continue well beyond the 150-yard requirement. Breathing and Coordination. . . must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least Scouts should learn the leaping entry in the first session. Training sessions can be on a flexible schedule. . . 32 swimming.Swimming Skills Remember, the natural floating position for many people is with their legs and feet hanging down almost vertically. through the back loops only. While one arm is in the power phase, the other arm is in the recovery phase. All Rights Reserved. Hazards must be eliminated or isolated by conspicuous markings and discussed with participants.Controlled Access:There must be safe areas for all participating ability groups to enter and leave the water. Insert your leg through the loop formed by the excess in the belt. Regarding other requirements, Scouts should first master sur- face dives (requirement 7) before beginning snorkeling and scuba diving (requirement 8a). As the arm on your breathing side completes the power phase and begins the recovery phase, turn on your side and take a breath. With your trailing arm straight and your legs apart for the scissors kick, the power phases for both the trailing arm and kick begin and end at the same time. Each merit badge has been assigned an ID number, which has been used in the In the water, keep your hand higher than your elbow. Every First Class Scout has demonstrated that he is a strong, safe swimmer who has mastered certain in-water skills. If you liked my guide, please share it with your friends to help them along in their Scouting journey as well. As your arm moves back toward your head, roll a little onto the same side and drop your shoulder a bit deeper in the water. As needed, add air to the pants by loosening the waistband and splashing in air. swimming 45Swimming Strokes. 26 swimming.Safety Splashing air into the pants is the quickest and easiest means of inflation, but it might take some practice before you mas- ter this technique. Closed-toed, rubber-soled shoes are required to protect your feet and give better traction when walking through the animal wings. The method will not work if you fail to lift your hand clear of the water or if you strike directly downward. Never give up hope. All Rights Reserved. . Coordinate the arm movements and scissors kick as in the sidestroke. Swimming or survival floating will cause you to lose energy very quickly. Loosen tight clothing, fan him, and apply wet towels. . Hyperventilation can result from a variety of situations such as anxiety, severe pain, heavy physical exertion, panic attacks, or infections in the lungs. your chest. Each Scout must do each requirement. This review also will indicate indi-vidual levels of skill proficiency in various strokes, floating, and feetfirst entry. Hyperventilating decreases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood and suppresses the breathing reflex. The qualified supervisor, the designated response personnel, and the lookout work together as a safety team. Time the arm strokes and kick so that the arms and legs are both at their full length as the kick finishes. Music and Bugling, while separate Merit Badges, with separate In the water, gravity pulls your hips and legs down, while the air in your lungs makes the upper part of your body more buoyant. With a longer glide as\\ taught in Scouting, the breaststroke is a powerful, long-distance stroke that conserves energy and has applications in lifesaving. . Traffic Safety Book 2. health-and-safety/gss/gss02, Visit Our Trading Post at Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. . Allow your hand to slice down into the water until it is 8 to 12 inches below the surface. . The PFD will help keep you afloat. 8. Swimmers use the trudgen and its variations, because they take less energy than the front crawl. Strive to make your movements continuous. (7c) Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg, by reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects. The maximum class size is 45 Scouts. with minimal movement. . give counselors credibility. Web family life merit badge pamphlet.pdf. Bouts of hyperventilation should last no longer than 30 minutes, so seek medical attention if the victim still hasnt recovered by this time. Swim continuously for 150 yards using the following strokes in good form and in a strong manner: front crawl or trudgen for 25 yards, back crawl for 25 yards, sidestroke for 25 yards, breaststroke for 25 yards, and elementary backstroke for 50 yards. Instead, turn and escape by swimming parallel to the shore. pool deck. This requirement is the same as Second Class requirement 5c. . . However,to keep their injury from becoming worse, make sure the victim remains absolutely still with their neck and back immobilized. Swimming at night is allowed only in areas with both surface and underwater lighting. . You must cover the total distance without stopping. swimming 17Safety. waves beach 18 swimmingFirst Aid .Safety Following Safe Swim Defense will eliminate any serious risks in Prevent heat swimming, but remember to take proper precautions. When Scouts As your hand exits the water, the recovery phase begins. In competition, the crawl stroke is called freestyle. Front crawl, side and front views 36 swimming.Swimming Strokes Kick. Sign up for new product alerts, sale events & more! Each group is assigned a specific swimming area with depths consistent with those abilities. a reaching or throwing rescue is possible, and explain why and how . Remember: Less movement is better because you are trying to conserve your energy. -Keeps his dive skills sharp through continuing education. Although this is a fun badge to complete, many people have been injured while swimming. For these reasons, you should begin the recovery of the arms before the legs. Elementary backstroke, side and top views 46 swimming.Swimming Strokes Elementary Backstroke To avoid getting water in your The elementary backstroke is the resting stroke for the last mouth and 50 yards of your test. 116 Your hand should enter the water little finger first. . . In most cases, a sting or bite will not warrant a medical emergency. as the item number for ordering from It is possible to float in a more horizontal position. The surf environmentwith its wave action, currents, tides, backwash, and sea life such as stinging jellyfishrequires precautions for safe swimming that arent necessary in other environments. Persons should not jump into water from heights greater than they are tall, and only into water depths where impact with the bottom is absent or slight. For jellyfish stings, soak the area with vinegar or alcohol, or cover with a paste of baking soda mixed with water. to swim at a beach with Pool. . Scouts who earn this badge will learn about safety when swimming and diving, how swimming can contribute to overall fitness and health, and gain some basic competitive swimming skills. This review also will indicate indi- vidual levels of skill proficiency in various strokes, floating, and feetfirst entry. These wounds should be washed with soap and water, and treated with an antihistamine (Benadryl) to reduce itching. There must be safe areas for all participating ability groups to enter and leave the water. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Rabbit Raising Merit Badge Pamphlet - 1991 November Printing - 2.5M1191 at the best online prices at eBay! On the following pages, you will find the required strokes illustrated and explained as you should swim them to complete requirement 5. swimming 35Swimming Strokes. . up again. If you have difficulty with this method, you can fill the pants by holding the waistband under the water with both hands, taking a breath, sinking so that your mouth is lower than the waistband and then blowing air into them from beneath. Key to the colors used in the tables below: More than 100 swimmers die each year from this swimming hazard. . . It is the fastest and one of the most graceful of all swimming strokes. . While afloat in the water, do not attempt to swim unless it is to reach a nearby craft, fellow survivor, or floating object that you can lean on or climb onto. With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both once a Scout starts with a set of requirements they can continue using them Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes has become established as France's second most important economic region and Europe's fifth most important region in terms of wealth creation. 3; Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching . Use all of the resources your counselor can make available to you. They should receive diving instruction (requirement 9) prior to competitive skills instruction (require- ment 8b). When your arms are about halfway through the recovery phase, begin the whip kick. Silviculture Merit Badge Direct. . . Turn your feet so your toes are pointing out and your ankles are fully flexed up. To float without moving, you need to adjust your body so that the center of buoyancy is directly above the center of weight. . ous injury could result. . Because water will move heat away from the body faster than air, keeping your face and head in the water will speed up heat loss. . Bring your heels toward the hips as far as possible just beneath the waters surface. . The arm pull should feel as though you are grabbing the water ahead of you and pulling yourself forward until your head passes your hands. The simplest pattern is to inhale when one arm recovers and exhale when the other arm recovers. Counselors for merit badges involving swimming or the Make it count. The person may appear groggy and lack coordination. The back crawl kick is similar to the front crawl flutter kick but is done deeper in the water. After completing the swim, rest by floating.Beginners pass this test:Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth, level off, and swim 25 feet on the surface. and a 5 or 6 digit inventory (SKU - Stock Keeping Unit) number to the booklet. Lookout The lookout continuously monitors the conduct of the swim, identifies any departures from Safe Swim Defense guidelines, alerts response personnel as needed, and monitors the weather and environment. Buddies check into and out of the area together.Buddies are normally in the same ability group and remain in their assigned area. Whenever you Floating are floating, try to keep your Floating faceup is the most restful way to maintain yourself in lungs well deep water. Im certain this resource will be helpful to Scouts on their road to Eagle! When you have finished both the kick and trailing arm stroke, rest and relax your muscles. Cramps are caused by sudden, involuntary contractions in a muscle. If you havent yet completed the BSA Swimmers test, you can also check out my full guide by clicking the link! 650745 With this, theres only one last requirement between you and your new Swimming merit badge! People are more likely to follow directions when they know the reasons for rules and procedures. See the resources section at the end of this pamphlet.Your counselor can help you. 49 Snorkeling and Scuba . Between the catch and the power phase, lift your chin out of the water, finish exhaling, and quickly take a breath. View current Lifesaving Merit Bagde requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub . Explain their purposes. To our knowledge, there is NOWHERE on the web where you can legally find In lifesaving, this entry allows you to keep your subject constantly in sight. A handbook for earning a Boy Scout badge in leatherwork. Come to the surface, take a breath, and repeat the sequence twice. . . The qualified supervisor, the designated response personnel, and the lookout work together as a safety team. Merit badges are completely presented in over 130 merit badge pamphlets, which you can buy at your local Scouts Shop or for $4.99 each. Beginners pass this test: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth, level off, and swim 25 feet on the surface. Graver, Dennis. . Explain to your counselor how Scoutings Safe Swim Defense plan Veterinary Book. . Once youre out of energy, hypothermia will set in. . supposed to represent the last time the requirements changed. Breathing and Coordination. A swimmers physical condition and skill are very important and should enable the swimmer to recover footing in waves, swim for long periods without getting worn out, and remain calm and in control when faced with unexpected conditions. It is strongly recommended that all units have at least one adult or older youth member currently trained in BSA Swimming and Water Rescue or BSA Lifeguard to assist in the planning and conduct of all swimming activities. Discuss the prevention and treatment of health concerns that could occur while swimming, including hypothermia, dehydration, sunburn, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, muscle cramps, hyperventilation, spinal injury, stings and bites, and cuts and scrapes. . . 1. . Red Text = unverified or missing information. 29 Swimming Strokes. Each scout can explore topics from American Business to Woodworking as they have interest. Your counselor can be as important to you as a coach is to an athlete. To move into the power phase, bring both legs back together with a force ful snapping motion like closing a pair of scissors. for each merit badge were issued or revised in the annual Scouts BSA Requirements with separate requirements, are now covered in a single pamphlet - Architecture Following the guidelines set in the BSA Safe Swim Defense, in water at least 7 feet deep, show a standing headfirst dive from a dock or pool deck. Take precautions to prevent sunburn, dehydration, and hypothermia. After get- ting your breath, lower your head and immediately return to your relaxed, facedown position. While symptoms of mild hypothermia include shivering and confusion, in more dangerous cases the victim will not have enough energy to continue shivering and may fall unconscious. Roughly every 10 minutes, or as needed to keep the buddies together, the lookout, or other person desig- nated by the supervisor, gives an audible signal, such as a single whistle blast, and a call for Buddies. Buddies are expected to raise each others hand before completion of a slow, audible count to 10. . Explain how to recognize such conditions. . Button the top collar button or hold the collar closed with your hand. help you When you are floating, your bodys center of buoyancy is in remain buoyant. Name (s) in local language (s): Mine des Chalanches, Allemont, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. . Early signs include bluish lips and shivering. Explain the health benefits of regular aerobic exercise, and explain why many people today do not get enough of the beneficial kinds of exercise. . swimming 3Requirements 1. To prevent sunburn, cover up, use a waterproof sunscreen, and limit your time in the sun. Applicable rules should be discussed prior to the outing and reviewed for all participants at the waters edge just before the swimming activity begins. Requirements were The Catch-Up Style For many recreational swimmers the arms are always in opposite posi- tions when they do the front crawl.That is, as the right hand exits the water at the hip, the left hand enters the water and moves into the catch position. The pamphlet for Citizenship in Society is available in both English and Spanish . Earn the Swimming merit badge..wim continuously for 400 yards using each of theb S . the same time and the pool operator pro- vides guard personnel, there may be no need for additional Scout lifeguards and lookouts. If there is more than one person in the water, hud- dling is recommended while waiting to be rescued. Without pausing, move your legs into the catch position. This is the catch position. If you suspect that someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, immediately get them into a cool area to rest. Do not suddenly re-warm the victim by placing them in a hot shower, as this could lead to rewarming shock. The adult supervisor may serve simultaneously as the lookout but must assign the task to someone else if engaged in activities that preclude focused observation. Arm Stroke. Finally, to Respond to hazards, rely on points 4 (Lifeguard Response Personel) and 5 (Lookouts). Avoid turning your head from side to side, because your head position serves to anchor and steady the entire stroke. . swimming 15Safety. To treat heat exhaustion, have the victim lie down in a Most sunburns are first-degree burns, but repeated sunburn over a long period of time can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. Below are some of the requirements for earning the Swimming Merit Badge:: In one non-stop 150 yard Swim demonstrate correctly the following strokes. Treat any activity around water very seriously, and youll be able to keep yourself and your friends safe! While I can't tell my past self what I know now, I can teach you all the smart Scouting knowledge that I wish I'd known when just starting out. You should be able to complete the distance and still have enough stamina to avoid undue risks. gested outline for Swimming merit badge instruction. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the site author is strictly prohibited. Finish the recovery by pushing your hands forward just under the surface, fingers leading, until your arms are at their full length in a glide position. This downward motion of the hand will cause your body to roll to the opposite side just as your other hand is entering the water. . When the stroke is performed correctly, a wave will form around your head as you turn to breathe. All participants should know, understand, and respect the rules and procedures for safe swimming provided by Safe Swim Defense guidelines. . Swim continuously for 150 yards using the following strokes in good Show a long shallow dive, also from the dock or pool deck. . Your arms are directly opposite each other at all times. Survival Skills Moving water and Cold Water wind substantially increase the loss When a person is in cold water, the skin and nearby tissues cool of body heat. If the victim is not handled properly, additional seri- dive in. . Another possibility is survival floating, or drown-proofing, which will work even if you are being tossed around by wind and waves. Bottom conditions and depth: The bottom must be clear of trees and debris. . . Identify the conditions that must exist before performing CPR on a person. . . As your hand moves from the catch position, begin to bend your elbow so that it points toward the bottom of the lake or pool. revisions (or the requirements for a new badge) first appear in . the Spanish versions have been reissued to correspond with changes made to the has specific special qualifications or certifications for either the merit If the victim is conscious, examine them for signs of confusion, inability to remember basic facts, lightheadedness, slurred speech, or uneven people dilation. Rip currents occur in oceans and any place where there are waves, including bodies of water such as the Great Lakes.To avoid getting caught in a rip current, do not swim near piers or jetties (walls built out into the water to protect a harbor or beach). 3. . . Rip currents are long, narrow sections of water that form after waves break and the water goes back out. Others float high on the water with their hips and legs near the surface. 5. . For each merit badge currently available, the first table below shows (in Bottom depth contours below diving boards and elevated surfaces require greater water depths and must conform to state regulations. 2. 4 swimmingFirst Class rank requirements: (9a) Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe trip afloat. Abrupt changes in depth are not allowed in the nonswimmer area. Thanks so much for reading, and for making our world a better place. Underwater swimming and diving are prohibited in turbid water. . The merit badge instruction should begin with a review of requirement 3. You should move the air just Step 2Splash air into the pants. Download File. 2023 To begin the power phase, move your feet and lower legs in a whipping motion to trace an oval shape. 11 Swimming Skills. . The 20 swimming victim must be cooled immediately. The arm stroke for the elementary backstroke is simple. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Have your palm facing away from your body. Also called over-breathing, hyperventilation can lead to feelings of lightheadedness, a tingling sensation in ones extremities, and may even cause the victim to faint. Scouts must bring a Blue Card signed by their Scoutmaster. . Every purchase supports the future of Scouting. The structure was among the first to be classified as a Historic Monument of France.
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swimming merit badge pamphlet 2023