Miguel sits with the boy and cuts his hand open before spreading the blood on his face, he explains that the boy is now part of the cartel and the boy accepts, terrified. Miguel speaks to Devante, he has ordered him to sweep the whole house for listening devices, Devante confirms so far it's clean but wants to wait until Dita and Emily are out of the house before finishing. Emily quickly asks what this means for the project and Antonia explains that their bid will be removed and the Galindo bid will win. anybody know? Nestor suggests that honesty buys honestly and Emily loves him no matter what. Emily and Miguel later head to city hall to speak to Antonia Pea, she informs them that Marlon Buksar, a city council clerk is dead and it seems to be suicide. He leaves the bathroom and goes in to Dita's room where he breaks down and begins to sob uncontrollably. Palomo is worried that Miguel will hurt the innocent woman and her child but Miguel denies this, saying it is just "potential leverage" to assist Luisa. Season 1 Episode 2 where they met up with Gracie and chased down Louie?I loved the way the trees looked upon that hillside behind the cabins/buildings.Gracias! Miguel gets in a separate car to Emily and asks Nestor to keep a close eye on Emily, he wants to know everywhere she goes at all times. None other than a not-dead-at-all Canche arrives and stands in the doorway. He asks Nestor to sit with him and confesses that he has made lots of mistakes with Emily, trying to play Potter's game. The act was successful at making the cartel look like they are on Potter's side. The new episode showcased a number of things changing since we last saw Galindo and his wife, Emily (Sarah Bolger). Updated! Miguel, Devnate and Nestor learn that the music playing in the propaganda video has been sourced, it is from a street vendors truck and he must have been close enough to see what happened, Miguel orders the man be captured but Nestor says he already has. EZ has no idea about it after only briefly meeting her. Emily explains that her and Erin had a fight and she left, probably for good. Miguel questions Devante asking if he really wants him to do the same and Devante confirms this, the only way to try to get his son back is to draw first blood, fear will always be the best weapon. Mayans MC doesn't pick up two years after SOA ended. Where is it? Miguel runs a bath for Emily and tells her he will join her in it soon, he pours some wine for the pair as Emily slips in to the bath. . Someone finally comes to speak to him and he recognises her to be the woman on the motorbike. Nestor Oceteva, Devante Caro and Miguel later meet with the club to inform them of the kidnapping of Cristobal. Emily informs Miguel that she allowed Antonia to enter the home earlier and berate her, as a result, she fired Maria. Miguel believes the Mayans can handle this and is ready to become the liaison between the cartel and the club. She explains the strategy that Los Olvidados are using to grow their influence so quickly. Miguel later makes his way to Maria's house, the previous nanny that worked at the Galindo residence that Emily fired. However, there were a lot of details that remained quite inexplicit, including the location of her son, Cristobal Galindo II. The pair head downstairs to meet with Emily. Now sporting a lengthy beard and haircut, he is hiding out in a rural nun's covent somewhere in the desert. Emily enters and Miguel shows her some leverage he was able to obtain from Palomo, information about Potter's lover and son. A devastated Miguel boards the helicopter and flees Santo Padre, alone. With wit, charm and an Ivy League education, Miguel navigates both sides of the border as effortlessly as he juggles his professional and family life, having mastered success in both legitimate enterprises, as well as the family business. Emily reappears again and kisses Miguel goodbye. Paco, one of Miguel's bodyguards enters and announces that Dita has just arrived home. Miguel begins to interrogate the man as the club arrive. Sensing that Potter is hinting at the cartel working with the government; Miguel cuts him off and says that the CIA deal destroyed his father, Potter continues to attempt to reason with Miguel but he isn't interested. I saw it, 1583 Fishburn Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90063 is the scrap yard. Felipe is shocked, he had previously heard that Miguel was killed after his connections with the Galindo Cartel were publicly exposed. Season 3 saw Galindo collapsing in on himself after the death of his mother. Miguel later speaks to Emily, he tells her that he knows she went to the square looking for answers. Miguel can't contain his anger as Luisa is taken away. Miguel always believed that his brother died of pneumonia. Miguel stoically explains he will find out and handle it. In the interest of skipping the minutiae, Ill jump to the good part: Laura shoots and kills El Palo before the episode is through, saving Taza in the process (before tearfully demanding that Taza leave her alone for good). But the mood in the room is heavy, not celebratory, and Ibarra is about to find out why: Fk your trespasses, and fk your king, Diaz says while Ibarras back is turned, suddenly shooting Ibarra in the head. Miguel continues to build his wall and Toms approaches him again, saying that his dad has said he shouldn't talk to Miguel as he isn't a good man and is like the men who killed his mother and are hunting his father. He also has an affair with Palomo for solace. Nestor unveils a map and begins to plan. Devante offers to say the decision to kill the nun was his idea but Miguel states Emily knows he calls the shots and will have approved the idea. In the television series "Mayans", Galindo kills Devante for a number of reasons. She sarcastically tells him that it is "collateral of what we do". Dita inquisitively asks about Devante's whereabouts, possibly knowing the grisly answer to her question already, she begins to sob as Miguel simply answers "It's done". Devante is later seen decapitated by Adelita. He asks him to look further in to Marlon's suicide and Felipe's involvement with Dita. Miguel tells Alvarez to get Paco and Nestor ready for tonight. Everythings a play with him, Anna warns Adelita. If anything were to happen to you, I wouldnt be able to take it, Felipe tells Gaby, reminding her that EZ is broken and will only pull her down as he drowns. Miguel begins to pack and quickly calls Emily, telling her they need to leave Santo Padre right now and to begin the plan they've always talked about. Paco falls to the floor and tries to protect himself before Miguel is able to chamber another round and finish him off. Location photos | Home > Mayans MC S5 > Episode 502 > Galindo House : Galindo House Miguel/Emily have dinner Date(s): October 9, 2022. Devante asks if Emily is upset with Miguel and he confirms this. Alvarez's phone continuously rings throughout the brief encounter. The cartel are finally able to put a face and a name to the revel leader, Adelita. Miguel slowly takes off his shirt before explaining to the man that he is a cockroach, he then attacks the man and strangles him to death with the shirt before spitting on his corpse. He then shows Miguel footage of the other room where Emily can be seen sobbing. Devante pulls Miguel aside and explains the Chinese have some sort of inside play and Miguel wants it set up. * Prior to all of that madness, EZ plans to leave club life behind for good and go north with Gaby, who has taken him back. May 29-30. Devante tells Miguel he has made the right choice to which he wryly smiles, telling him he knows. Teresa refuses entry to the covent and the cartel relent, leaving. He briefly discusses Palmomo's political campaign and how she is failing in Santo Padre. They sit down and he begins explaining that he has signed a deal, similar to one that his father signed 10 years ago. As Miguel waits with Dita, he receives a call from Emily, she explains that their bid isn't the only one for the build project. Jose Galindo (Father) Dita Galindo (Mother) Emily Thomas (Wife)Cristobal Galindo (Brother) Cristobal Galindo II (Son)Felipe Reyes (Biological father)Ezekiel Reyes (Half-brother)Angel Reyes (Half-brother)Erin Thomas (Sister in law) Emily. Miguel coldly stares at Felipe before thanking him and hurrying inside. Adelita demands 7 million pesos in cryptocurrency and that Miguel crosses the border to Mexico alone and then she will tell him where his son is. He does, however, still face difficulties on balancing his family and criminal lives. Miguel returns to the dress warehouse where he receives a cryptic text sent from Alvarez, they quickly understand the coded message and begin to track where Alvarez could be being held. He apologises to Emily again and says they don't want anymore lies between each other, Emily agrees. They just mentioned galindos house burnt and I'm assuming Dita was inside. Miguel feeling revitalised with his new power seemingly later wants to claim back what was his. And when a cornered Potter reveals to Adelita that her infant son is not, in fact, deceased, Adelita breaks down in tears, seemingly unconvinced that Potter is telling the truth. The message contains a clue for the Mayans and Galindo in Spanish that helps them narrow down the beloved character's location. Martn reveals himself and runs to the truck and is quickly taken away by the cartel. Dita sadly explains that Miguel's brother, also named Cristobal was kidnapped by a rival cartel and killed. Devante tries to convince Miguel to reply quickly and with aggression, Devante admits something to Miguel and Dita is invited in to the room. Bishop seems rightfully furious at Tazas news, and Taza gets it: Having already presented his gun to Bishop before he even confessed, Taza gives Bishop the go-ahead to shoot him right there if he pleases. Miguel questions why they are here and Antonia explains that before Marlon took his own life, he emailed her and confessed ot have been taking bribes for insider information and giving ChinAgra, another company bidding for the project an unfair advantage. He addresses Paco that he needs his mother to be here but she isn't, because of him, he allowed Dita to steal the car and drive off to her demise. He gets down to business and asks if there is anything he should know about Dita that she might never have told him. Miguel and Emily answer the front door to see Alvarez standing there; he has chosen to leave the Mayans and come to work for the cartel instead; replacing Devante. Miguel solemnly states there was a lot he didn't know. Galindo CartelLobos New Generation Cartel He tells her that they lost Luisa. This is the link for the house on the sitting area looking out towards the pool if you click on the property it will show you the kitchen area that they used for filming. Miguel aggressively presses him to reveal the truth. The pilot approaches Miguel and says they need to leave immediately, Miguel refuses saying that Emily and Cristobal will be arriving soon. He learns that security is going to be tightened after what happened at the safehouse. The study is a mess after being turned upside down by the feds. Miguel reveals that he knows there were motorcycle tracks at the scene, confirming EZ and Angel's involvement in the murder. He then introduces the club to Palomo, they plan to rescue Luisa. Shared: 1. Miguel visits Dr. Luna, Dita's psychologist and waits outside her office. Emily, Miguel and Dita arrive at the city centre, Emily is working more on the building project, she steps outside the car and Emily wishes Miguel luck with Dita. Miguel and Alvarez leave to go on business. A shocked Miguel hears that Adelita wants to work with the cartel. Miguel is finally removed the cell and is escorted by the same agents as before, they offer no answers to his questions and he soon finds himself alone in a room with a woman who he realises is Adelita. He later finds Teresa and admits he is ready to confess his sins. We learn that offscreen he has made plans with Luis to track down Emily and Cristobal. Miguel learns that Juan was killed and the product destroyed. The family are enjoying their evening when suddenly the lights in the house go out. Potter apologizes on behalf of Uncle Sam for Miguel's treatment at the border. Emily has also seen another folder with evidence built up against Miguel, if Emily corroborates the evidence in there, Miguel will go to jail. Miguel is revealed to be alive and well. Suddenly, the gate gets rammed by something large on the other side. She now knows Miguel knows the truth. Props, Emily.). He is then escorted out. Miguel explains he's going south today to deal with Potter business. Mirroring exactly what Miguel told her when she found out her staff had been killed. Miguel summons Nestor to tell him that he doesn't want him to be out in the field as much. Alvarez asks what needs to be done but Miguel brushes him aside, telling him he'll handle it and Alvarez should answer his phone. Season 3 of Mayans M.C. He explains to Miguel that years ago he was very close to stopping a huge gun smuggling operation but was stopped due to Miguel's father's deal with the CIA. As Ibarra is about to end the meeting, Diaz reminds him he can finally put his kutte back on, and Ibarra happily turns around so Diaz can put the vest on him. (As blindsides go, this is a pretty epic one. Miguel later tearfully goes to Dita's room and cries himself to sleep in her bed. Vital statistics Viewers know that Marcus Alvarez (Emilio Rivera) left the Mayans in the season . 'Mayans M.C.' is back and fans should be worried about Miguel Galindo (Danny Pino), who is falling apart after his mother Dita's death in the season 2 finale. Paco stumbles and begs for his life and Miguel messes with the jammed gun, shooting him once more in the legs. Alvarez asks Miguel what is happening and he explains to Alvarez that he knows the truth about what happened to Dita and that he and Nestor covered it up. Possibly due to him feeling guilty about his recent adultery. The first season of Mayans M.C. She also asks that he leaves Toms alone as he has seen enough tragedy. He passes by Luisa on his way out, she tells him that she'll be in touch, he nods and silently leaves. Miguel protests but he knows there is nothing he can do, Cristobal is taken away. Martn arrives and calls Toms away. Played by American actress Ada Maris, Dita makes her debut in the series' second episode, "Escorpin/Dzec", in the series' first season. The Galindo Group is an array of entrepreneurial companies with permanent quarters in Bryan and Austin, Texas. Drug cartels, racist cops, rival gangs, rebel organizations, and corrupt, vindictive government officials are just a few of the dangers that Mayans M.C. The rebel camp in the rocks on episode 3 is at Vasquez Rocks in the Agua Dulce area of Santa Clarita. Miguel gets in a car and departs. Emily accuses Miguel of having some romantic connection to Luisa, Miguel firmly denies this and explains that they have just been through a lot together. Miguel carries on, explaining he is grateful that Felipe has told him at least a part of the truth. Another woman is also present and states that the pair have things to discuss. Paco tries to explain himself but Miguel quickly draws a gun from a box that Alvarez has bought him and shoots Paco in the throat. Miguel Galindo is the son of Galindo Cartel founder Jose Galindo and a major character on Mayans MC, a spinoff of the FX original series Sons of Anarchy. Potter returns later after speaking to Emily. The Galindo house is full on real estate porn. He asks about Emily's late night visit to Felipe but Emily once again brushes it off as just getting dinner. I'd like to know where the Galindo family house is located. Looks like the most recent one aired on 10.16.18 was filmed off of Highway 8 in the Pine Valley Campo Boulevard area? Devante questions how any of this information is useful and Emily retorts that this is precisely the reason why the cartel are losing ground. Miguel drops the bombshell that the medical examiner doesn't believe Dita killed herself and it looked as if she had been strangled to death. It appears to be entirely on Tapo Canyon, north of Lost Canyon Dr. Miguel is horrified to learn that Luisa gave herself up after the Mayans successfully hijacked the convey, her reason was that if she disappears then the heat from the cartel and the club will disappear, she was the target all along. The caller seems to have troubling news for Miguel but it isn't revealed to us what it is. Armando Villareal Heredia, aka Gordo: Age: 32: Guadalajara, Mexico: Ruben Dario Castro Perez, aka Compadre: Age: 35: Federal Custody: Ivan Candelario Magana Heredia . Devante enters with news from Nestor and he ushers Emily out of the room. Felipe explains that Emily didn't have anything to do with Dita's death and it was all him and that he killed Dita. Miguel finally arrives home and the family are overjoyed to see the safe return of him and Cristobal. They will make a fortune and will give it to the people who deserve it. Miguel finally asks if Dita was also in love with Felipe. Simi Valley: 2 Visits 113 Images Miguel and Soledad, El Banqueros, sister the woman that spoke to Miguel in the dingy room. Miguel returns home to see Emily and she apologises for what happened earlier. Miguel cuts straight to the point and bluntly asks Nestor if he has ever seen Emily with EZ or Felipe, a confused Nestor replies saying only when Miguel was also present and again asks Miguel what is wrong. Miguel is shocked to see EZ, he had no idea he was going to attend this meeting. Where is that fabulous house? What did you think of Mayans MCs season finale? He is building a wall when a young boy named Toms approaches him. Miguel explains to Alvarez he has always questioned where his true loyalties lie and now they will find out.
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