| |paladins|Falcon Longsword | | | | | |, |0 |club fighting +4 | | | | | ||Warsinger Bow |sorcerers and druids|Vampire Shield | |axe fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | | |50.00 |fire +7%, ice -7% | |4 | | | | | | |400 |knights|Hand Axe | |70.00 | |75.00 | | | |10 | |magic level +2 | | ||Chain Bolter | |knights|Studded Armor ||Dwarven Shield | |sword fighting +2 | |25 | | | | |24 ||Mortal Mace | | | | | | |12 |35.00 | | |21.00 |druids|Makeshift Boots | |60 |84.00 ||Ripper Lance | | ||Demonrage Sword | |25 |energy +8%, physical +6%, ice -2% ||Obsidian Zaoan Knight | |188.00 |27 |70.00 Features: You can save/load multiple characters/targets/spells; | |5.00 | | |9 |59.00 | |52.00 |60 | | |11 |59.00 | | |120.00 | | | | | | |58.00 |21 | |400 |11 |4 | | | | | |energy +8%, earth -8% Use Calculator Gold Changer Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm Use Calculator Profit and Waste Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. |38 |3 |0 | ||Dragon Lance |55.00 |25.00 | | ||Incredible Mumpiz Slayer The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. |65 |99.00 ||Lion Amulet |2 | |sword fighting +4 | |83.00 | | | | |11 |knights|Magic Sword |45 |19.00 |250 | | | |9 | | | |sorcerer|Ferumbras' Staff (Failed) |19.00 |18 |82.00 ||Traditional Gamsbart Hat | |51.00 |185 |physical +5% | |15 |28.00 |120 |sorcerers|War Axe | | | | |26.00 | |45.00 | |axe fighting +5 |200 Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine. |145.00 |65 | | | |2.00 | |2 | | |15 |fire +5%, ice -5% |magic level +2 | | |51.00 |31.00 | |66.00 | |120 | |25 |5.00 |51.00 | Party Shared Calculator, enter your LVL and discover. | Tibia Game Features Tools TibiaWiki in: TibiaWiki Tools Armor Calculator View source Loading Calculators See also: Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. | |35.00 |0 |knights|Icy Clerical Mace |3 |12.50 |2.00 | | |1.55 | | | |earth +3%, fire -3% | |0 |65.00 | | | |61.50 ||Golden Horned Helmet | ||Guardian Shield | |knights|Gilded Eldritch Greataxe ||Bow of Cataclysm |4.00 |60 |earth +4% Ive used the tibia stats spell damage calculator for a long time, but I always wanted to compare different levels and magic levels, so I made a new spreadsheet. |23 | ||Gold Medal |30 | |80.00 | | | |89.00 |18 | |46.00 ||Devil Helmet | | | | | |21 | |5.00 ||Snow Globe |21 |25.00 |magic shield | | ||Eldritch Folio ||Magical Torch | | | |druids|Musician's Bow | |earth +12%, fire -12% | |18 ||Wand of Cosmic Energy |150 |30.00 | |41.00 | |3 |12 |6 |energy +20%, earth -10% |54.00 |mana drain +20% |ice +7% | |3 |knights|Hammer of Wrath |0 |earth +10%, fire -10% | |9 |55 |29.50 |35 | | | |earth +3% |250 | |axe fighting +5 |0.90 |28.00 |50.00 | | |knights and paladins|Gill Legs | |knights and paladins|Mutant Bone Boots | ||Paladin Armor |sword fighting +3 |sorcerers|Axe Ring | |druids|Oriental Shoes | |distance fighting +2 | | |earth +12%, fire -5% |50 |0.95 |knights|Earth Clerical Mace |28.50 | |21 | | | | |ice +8%, energy -8% ||Runed Sword | | |club fighting +4 | |17 | | ||Naga Quiver | | | Example You get a hit with original value of 200 wearing only Zaoan Helmet and Protection Amulet | |18.00 | | |130 | |0.90 | ||Terra Boots | for example a lvl 100 with ML 50 deals more dmg than a lvl 80 with the same ML? | |270 |1 | |fire +8%, ice -8% |0 After filling all the needed data, your damage will be calculated. | | |20.00 |41.00 | | Starting level: Target level: (Optional) Exp per hour (in kk/h): (Optional) Hours hunting per day: TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. | |55.00 ||Icicle Bow |4.20 | | | | | |400 | | |61.00 | | |180 offline or online training. | |ice +4%, energy -5% |20 | |paladins|Lion Shield ||Heavy Mace |knights|Lion Spellbook | |, | |37 |25 |knights|Royal Scale Robe | |2 | | | T.H.A.I.S. |6 |60 |200 |10.20 | | |25.00 | | | |knights|Soulbleeder | |20 | |physical +3%, fire +6%, ice -5% |0 |140 | |25 | | |11 | | |magic level +2, energy magic level +2 |0 | |physical +4% |46.00 | | |energy +6% | ||Lion Axe |25 | | |145.00 ||Rhodolith Necklace |70 |36 | |30.00 | | This kind of damage can be sometimes blocked by the target's Shielding (impossible to block when inflicted by spells), and is always mitigated by the target's armor. | |85.00 | | | |1.00 | | Privacy Policy. |shielding +1 |38.00 |250 |3 | UPDATE 3: New adjustments to the EK spells, this time correctly following TibiaWikis formula and applying the latest balance changes to the character level bonus in the formula seems to produce better results. ||Red Pit Demon |0 |5.50 |70 |5.00 | |300 | |70.00 |magic level +3, faster Regeneration | TibiaPal.com - Training Calculator. |knights and paladins|Ranger's Cloak |13 ||Ruby Necklace |45.00 | | |26.00 ||Crystal Lamp (Store) |270 | | ||Ectoplasmic Shield | | | |physical +60%, ice +40% | ||Chocolatey Dragon Scale Legs |42 |41.00 | |4.00 Summary. ||Galea Mortis | |0.10 | |physical +6%, fire +10% |52.00 |45.00 |400 | |axe fighting +4 | |axe fighting +2 | UPDATE 2: There is still an issue with the EK spell calcs, I am reviewing the code atm. |50 | |50 The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). |1 | |distance fighting +3 | |82.00 | |300 | |13 ||Prismatic Legs | | | |0 |32.50 ||Mycological Bow | | | ||Prismatic Ring | |130 | |knights|Star Ring |6.90 ||Red Tunic ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Lit) |68.00 |22 |180.00 |36.00 |84.50 | |25 ||Pendulet |speed +15 | | |19 |knights|Blessed Sceptre | | |13 | ||Wyvern Fang |magic level +2 |47.00 |25.00 |34 |physical +12% | |7 |7.40 | | | |59.00 |invisibility | |29 |15.00 | |knights|Soulmantle |68.00 |64.00 |130 | ||Iron Hammer |paladins|Ranger Legs |knights|Fireheart Platemail ||Pair of Earmuffs It is clear the buff from the latest balance changes are not applied to the character level bonus in the formula. |club fighting +3 ||Calopteryx Cape | | |knights|Energy Clerical Mace |60 | | | |120 | |8 |6 |sorcerers|Badger Boots | | |25 |physical +6% |8 |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 |1 | |22 |8.50 |16 |36.00 | | |49.00 |11 | | | | ||Shroud of Despair |56.00 | | | |10 Albo ktra jest najstarsza? |145.00 |31.00 | | |0 |3 | | ||Treader of Torment |paladins|Blue Robe |0.90 |0.90 | | |5 |50 | |51.00 |15.00 Cookie Notice | | |43.00 | | | |30 |14 | ||Unstable Ring of Ending | | |59.00 |43.00 | | | | | | |knights and paladins|Elven Mail |29.00 | |65.00 |0 |40.00 | | The Tibian with the highest Sword skill is Neto'Eccard from Inabra with 139. ||Obsidian Zaoan Bishop |16.00 | | | | | | |6.00 |0.90 Age calculator. |44.00 | | |28 |25.00 | | |250 |mana drain +10% Not real values, but the methodology is correct -Skill 110: minimum damge 40 - maximum damage 100 - average damage 70 -Skill 111: minimum damage 40 - maximum damage 102 - average damage 71 - One skill increases 2 attack value, but only 1 average, as it only increases maximum damage. | |22.50 |17 ||Bunnyslippers | Damage is the result of some kind of attack. |39 |18 |220 |3 |0.60 | | | |28 |5 | ||Serpent Sword ||Carlin Sword |3 | |magic level +1 |paladins|Sandals |knights|Guardian Axe | |150 |knights|The Shield Nevermourn | | |35 | |1.50 | ||Lit Crystal Lamp | | | |270 |0 | | | | How does armor of creatures affect damage taken by players? |magic level +4, death magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% | | |5.00 | | |knights|Fire Axe | |150 |18.50 |9.00 |2 |38.00 |62.00 |sorcerers and druids|Blue Spectacles | | |paladins|Lion Longsword |1 | ||Composite Hornbow |400 | |61.50 ||Heroic Axe | |200 GENERAL. | |magic level +3 |19.00 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | |13.00 |3 | | | | |magic level +3 |150 |knights|War Hammer | |19.89 ||Jerom's Family Necklace | |7 ||Poet's Fencing Quill | |250 | | | | | |7 | | | |10 |38 | ||Mystic Blade |0 | |0.90 | | | | | |sword fighting +4 |6 | |60.00 ||Vile Axe | | |95.50 | | | |sorcerers|Dawnfire Sherwani |36.00 |220 |105 | | By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. |7 | | | ||Lit Torch (Quest) |18 |earth +20%, fire -10% | | | | | |70 |19.00 |magic level +1 |120 |25 |20 |30 | | |66.00 | |80.00 |100 |32 |9.00 |32 |50 | | |5.50 | | | |4.30 |29 |11 |20 |60 ||Magic Light Wand (Lit) |41.00 |physical +4%, earth +4% |8 | |knights|Rift Bow | | | | |distance fighting +4 ||Jade Zaoan Pawn | | | | |magic level +1 | | ||Studded Club |28 |22 ||Exotic Legs |11.00 ||Sword | | | |35 | | |40 | |10 |20 |58.00 |20.00 |energy +8%, physical +4%, ice -2% |75.00 Stamina calculator. |14 | |58.00 |48.00 | |1 This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while | | |120.00 |200 | | |physical +3%, ice +7% |9 |145.00 | |5.00 |120.00 | |63.00 |34 |3 ||Earth Barbarian Axe ||Wand of Dimensions | |100 |25.00 |2 |druids|Eldritch Wand |2 | | |0 |20 Chcesz wiedzie, ktra gildia w tibii jest najlepsza? | | |180 |8 |physical +5% | |9.00 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Mastermind Shield |22 | | |23 ||Icy Spike Sword |magic level +1 | | | |89.00 | |24.00 |10.50 Tibia Damage Calculator Missing spells values: All values have to be looked at as tons of changes were made since the last version of the app. | | |46.00 |63.00 | | | |paladins|Pair of Soulwalkers |11 | |speed +30 | | |31 |20.00 | | ||Charmer's Tiara ||Seashell Lamp | | |47.00 |15 | |4.10 ||Basin with a Flower ||Paw Amulet |0 ||Leaf Star | |28.50 ||Brass Button |28 | |1 |4.50 ||Krimhorn Helmet |100 | | | | |ice +11%, energy -3% | | |200 | |75.00 | |1.00 ||Red Quiver |48 ||Earth Blacksteel Sword |18.00 |29 Exp required to level (e.g. | ||Noble Sword (Replica) ||Broken Wooden Shield | - the Tibian Heuristic Artificial Intelligence System T.H.A.I.S. |energy +8% |75 | | ||Sleep Shawl ||Energy Ring |magic level +2 Private dummy. | |faster regeneration ||Dwarven Ring ||Crown Helmet | | |40 | |2.50 | | ||Scarab Amulet | |60 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Ring of Healing |0 |45 |85 |48.00 | | | |5 |physical +8% Hunt Finder Calcs Fansite Item. | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Warding |14.00 |12 | ||Steel Boots | ||Depth Ocrea |25 | | | | ||Ring of Souls (Depleted) | | | |paladins|Eldritch Claymore | |sorcerers and druids|Ancient Amulet | |22.00 |1.50 | | |magic level +1 | |60 | |sorcerers|Battle Shield | |2 |0 |43.00 | |150 |38.00 | | | |knights|Souleater (Axe) |magic level +2 | | |distance fighting +4 |18 |18 ||Energy Relic Sword | | |8.80 |2 | | | | |5.50 |54.00 |druids|Robe of the Underworld |0 | |38.00 ||Lit Rainbow Torch |18 |1.10 |28 | |knights|Soulhexer | | |3 | ||Turtle Amulet |150 | |50.00 ||Jade Zaoan Rook |200 | Guilds in Tibia: 2734 People in guilds: 210787 Random guild: Deserters The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zunera (1) Avg . | |1 | | ||Runic Ice Shield |68.00 ||Viking Shield |19.50 |physical +6% ||Jade Amulet (Replica) | | ||Lightning Boots | | | | |145.00 |52.00 | | | | | | | | |physical +3% |75 |270 | |250 | |8 | |magic level +2 | Unjustified kills. | | |26 | |ice +7% | ||Ogre Choppa |1 |75 |sorcerers and druids|Jester Hat |19.00 | | | |58.00 | |30 | |18 | | |22 | |35 |9.50 | ||Poison Dagger ||Ferumbras' Candy Hat | | | |28 | ||Energy Orcish Maul | | | |33.00 | | |axe fighting +3, Cleave 3% |1.05 | | Transfer checker. | | | ||Obsidian Zaoan Pawn |20.00 | Achievements checker. |8.50 |80.00 |0.80 |9 ||Bear Skin | | ||Orcish Axe | ||Green Demon Helmet |20 |400 | |magic level +2 ||Ravager's Axe | |120 | | |200 |52.00 |75 | |35.00 |ice +6%, energy -6% | | ||Garlic Necklace |18.00 | | | |20 | |magic level +3 |7 |75 | | |19.00 ||Fish Tail (Equipped) | |60 |ice +2% 500. | |druids|Morning Star | | | | |180.00 |knights and paladins|Draken Boots |knights|Spellbook | |30.00 | | | |physical +3%, earth +5% ||Icy Barbarian Axe | | | | |10 |42.00 |110 | | |0.40 |druids|Belted Cape | |9 | |sword fighting +2 | | | |17 |5.00 | | bombs? |75 | |0 | |0 | |80 | |20 |knights|Two Handed Sword |55 |24 | |distance fighting +2 |5.00 | | | |200 |65 |knights|Battle Hammer |knights|Patched Boots ||Dragon Robe | |1 ||Burial Shroud |400 |145.00 | | | | ||Dragon Scale Helmet | |druids|Snowball |55.00 |5 |speed +10 | | | |21 |23 |48.00 |80 | | |paladins|Umbral Master Bow Test | t = total armor d = damage (after the shield) p = percentage reduction of item Armor Reduction where denotes floor function (rounding down). |50 |120.00 |9 |250 | | ||Enchanted Werewolf Amulet | |mana drain +15% | |3 | |9.00 | | | | | | | | | | |40 | | | | | |8.50 |25 | |50 | |95.00 |48.00 | | |180 | | | |3.50 | | |ice +7% |2.00 | |21 | |knights|Gilded Eldritch Bow |77.00 | |75 |49.00 |69.00 |35.00 |39.00 |120 |33 | ||Obsidian Truncheon ||Obsidian Zaoan King |220 |8 |paladins|Winterblade |knights|Zaoan Armor |25 |6 |4.80 |knights|Jungle Rod |paladins|Elvish Bow ||Horn (Ring) | |knights|Soultainter |4 | | | | | | | | |11 |1 |knights|Taurus Mace They do load long but they works and its best calculator Reply watershipdown811 . |31 ||Flower Wreath | | |59.00 | |20.00 | |250 | |85 | | | |5.00 |12 |10.00 ||Barbarian Axe | | | |16 |400 | | |sorcerers|Wand of Destruction Test | |sorcerers|Shiny Blade |4 |0 |1 | | |paladins|Bast Skirt |0 |1.50 ||Asuri Talisman |100 ||Bonebreaker | | | Current skill % to next. |knights|Broken Iks Spear | | |30 | |ice +5% | |220 | | | | | | | | | | |82.00 | |55.00 |7.00 ||Bone Club |29.00 | | | |58 | |15 | | | | | | Also note the distance hit % used is the max you can get with a high distance skill, I will adjust it to properly calculate the miss chance for low distance skills according to TibiaWiki formula. |0 | |knights|Earth Headchopper ||Pointed Rabbitslayer |80 | |27.00 | | | ||Butterfly Ring | |95.00 |30 |distance fighting +2 |druids|Molten Plate | |30.00 ||Buckle Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | ||Eye of the Storm | | | | |paladins|Arboreal Ring ||Crocodile Boots | |80 | The first effect, Onslaught (Fatal), is applied to weapons and grants a chance to add 60% damage with each attack, similar to critical damage.The second effect, Ruse (Dodge), is applied to armor and grants a chance to dodge incoming attacks, similar to the Dodge charm rune . | |57.00 |25 | | |knights|Umbral Masterblade |knights|Falcon Battleaxe |165.00 |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 |20 |6.00 | | | |10.00 | When selecting the other types the time and cost will be calculated assuming total usage of the weapons, which may be far superior to the time/cost required to get a certain skill. Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. |shielding +4 ||Throwing Knife | | | |earth +3%, fire -3% |20 | ||Beastslayer Axe |10 ||Glooth Amulet | | |knights|Umbral Slayer | |40.00 | | |120.00 | |28 | | | |7 |20 ||Ogre Scepta |5 | |50.00 |300 |37.00 | | |62 |physical +7%, earth +10% | |220 |7.00 |49.00 | |89.00 | |120 Desired skill with loyalty included. |47.00 |12.50 | | |6.10 |paladins and without|Rift Shield |100 |0 |250 |0.80 | |70.00 | | |60 |10.00 | | | |magic level +2, faster Regeneration 1 to 100, 100 to 101) | | |0 |37 | |12.50 | |48.00 |without|Soulbiter | |magic level +4 | | Current event: Last Creep Standing. |0 |38.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Glacier Mask |knights|Falcon Circlet |200 | |knights|Umbral Master Axe |21 |31 |earth +5%, ice +5% |7 |44.00 |sorcerers|Eldritch Warmace | |65.00 | |physical +5% |holy +7% |2 | | |15 |80 |400 |sorcerers|Wand of Everblazing |65.00 |knights|Energy Heroic Axe | |21.00 | | |30 |0 | |30 | | ||Broken Amulet | |200 | | | |32.00 | |knights|Swampling Club |400 |knights|Crude Umbral Blade |24 |without|Mercenary Sword |300 |energy +10% ||Fiery Relic Sword |12.50 |ice +8%, energy -8%
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