Explore the High Priestess major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. See Spreads, Do you see yourself more clearly? This six-card spread covers everything you'd need to know to call in a new relationship. See Spreads, The Lover's: Love is on the way. Just let me know where to send it. It is an amazing card to receive in a potential love Tarot spread, as it suggests that there is a future for you and this person. The love tarot is a specific tarot that is derived from the tarot, which aims to explore all forms of romantic issues. When it appears in the Environment spread position, the Love Tarot Meanings predicts that this card means: Traditionally, the Ace of Cups is associated with females. Although tarot spreads can seem daunting, reading tarot cards can be as simple (pulling one each morning to start your day) or as in-depth (spending some quality time trying out the beloved. Money might be the main motivation to stay in the relationship. You can extend this reading to four cards with an additional qualifying card, but if it isnt painting a clear path for you, Id suggest taking the time with the complete spread. Here, I will discover if outsiders are supportive of me and my lovers relationship or not. General Love Spread This spread is one that you can use regularly to check in with your love life. Pursue people who can show you that they are responsible.. Here are some tarot tips for beginners.). The Most Significant Types of Love Spreads . Are you nourished? The Sun: Represents a happy, loving relationship. However, if I was to get more serious with anyone it would be my current partner. The sixth and final card in this potential love Tarot spread is the one that really answers the question regarding a future between you and this person. This three-card love tarot spread is one of the most basic relationship spreads there is. For this, I recommend a variation on a five-card spread with additional pulls for more information if necessary: Place the fifth card in the center of the spread. Seeing it can often relate to heart vs. head decisions. Download your copy here: Grab the free PDF guide, plus receive divination tips, news, special promotions, and updates in your inbox! Learn everything you need to learn about reading the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread with ease and confidence. You can apply this to all aspects of your love life, whether you're searching for love, trying to understand a blossoming relationship, or looking for answers on an existing relationship with your . The meaning may make more sense in time. It is a part of us. See Spreads, There will be factors which are affecting my relationship which are unknown or hidden from me; this spread position (position 14) will reveal the things which I am unaware of; here, I received the 6 of Cups. In The Love Tarot Spread, position 11 represents the environment of myself and my lover. As I only wanted to see a short distance into the future (6 months) and set this intention at the beginning of my reading, I know that this is the time frame I am looking at. Whenever we start dating someone new, our minds will always look toward the future. I do not know for certain, but this obviously has a negative impact on my love life otherwise it wouldnt come up in a reading. What is the most aligned action you can start taking today? Explore the Strength major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Explore the Magician major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Each full moon is associated with an astrological constellation. If they do, this is a good sign. Carl Jung himself, who classified the human psyche as having three parts: the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious, described archetypes as being highly developed elements of something See Spreads, You pull the Six of Cups and your partner pulls the Hermit. Approach your romantic life with confidence. Another of the more common topics we'll see being asked about is work. Explore the Devil major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. It provides insights into everything from what might be holding you back from love to how you can approach finding a compatible partner. Current state of the relationship (place in the center), Relationship outcome (an ending, a change, or a resolution), Something about yourself that you can focus on loving, An area of your life to treat with more kindness, Energies or actions to cultivate in your practice of self-love. See Spreads, As I said, I am weary. It may show you common goals, values, or beliefs that will be at the core of love if love blossoms. While offering deep meaning and unique insight Ace of Cups: Emotions may be currently running high, but you're going to be surrounded by love. The Soulmate Spread is a powerful Tarot spread that can provide insights into your current relationship and reveal potential future outcomes. We all want to fall in love, it is an exciting and beautiful part of life! This natural born winner will outperform just about anyone in the When appearing in a potential love Tarot spread, the Moon suggests that your relationship with this person may be an illusion. Last time we talked about a few love tarot spreads to assess how well you're connecting with your partner, and how to make decisions about where to go with your Position two - the present - represents what is happening in our relationship now and the current state of our love life. It isnt the last card in the Major Arcana, but it is the second-to-last. Position 1: Self card Your feelings and mindset, and the personal powers available to you No matter what situation you are currently facing, you have a life and a presence that exists outside of it. She is the author of The Modern Oracle. Here, we received the Ace of Wands. It is an amazing card to receive in a potential love Tarot spread, as it suggests that there is a future for you and this person. Now, The Chariot (which is Cancers card), is all about fighting with the heartas opposed to sheer will, like Strength. 10 of Pentacles: Family, stability, and long-lasting success. The energy emanating from this constellation gives them The first card pulled in this potential love Tarot spread reflects where you are at regarding love and romance right now. Love Potential Tarot reveals Chances and Obstacles You wish that your love story would be different, that he would simply come forward and explain everything. See Spreads, When it appears in the Aim spread position, the Love Tarot Meanings predicts that this card means: Aim for a relationship with someone who is no stranger to hard work. If they do not, then this is obviously a bad omen. However, we can turn to Tarot to get guidance and understanding. Love & Relationships The first part of the above interpretation is scarily accurate. For this placement, my partner and I received the 8 of Swords, which is a pretty standard for a phobia position. If the females are in your lovers life, be sure to impress them!. Write your observations down in your journal, along with any questions or insights that come to you. And for many, love is at the center of those questions. Sometimes, I do wonder what it would have been like if he and I had gotten together years ago. Ask your question, and formulate it so . For this position, we received the Three of Swords. And we humans aren't exactly great at communicating some of the things See Spreads, Plus, it can be used as a crush tarot spread as well - to gain some more intuitive insight on a potential relationship. It may show you positive influences, or it may represent influences that negatively affect the potential for love. Dreams, whether bizarre or mundane, often represent things that our subconscious minds our trying to tell us. (Spoiler: They can mean everything from practicing self-love to proposing marriage.). We actually got quite a good reading, thank God otherwise this would have been awkward! I know that, if we had a serious relationship, he would want to tie me down so I have to be 100% certain that I could be with him long-term. First, pull these three cards to create a row: Then, place a final card above the center card. If you're looking for advice around this topic, try starting with a spread here. It can be a literal or symbolic interpretation of your heart, conscious mind, feelings and where you are at this point in time. You have the possibility to do so. 6-card spread for assessing a relationship. Also Read: Weekly Horoscope Predictions: 30th April to 6th May 2023. See Spreads, April winds down this week, and May begins with the pagan holiday of Beltane, a celebration of creativity, growth, and fertility in all of its many forms. Your 1 card spreads will be delivered straight to your inbox! You may feel as if there is love brewing, but this is not reality. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. You deserve to live a happy life. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may. I am a bit weary with giving this partner too much of my attention because I like to be the one who is pursued by my partners, not the other way around. Use these new moon tarot spreads to help you understand what you're meant to discover during this phase. Mystical potential. Pull three cards for the first row and lay them out in order: Pull another three-card row for your partner. Both parts of the above interpretation is true. See Spreads, Since the Emperor is about structures and protection, use this spread when youre working on setting boundaries, and protecting You are a person with a lot of positive energy, strength and a unique soul. In 2014, employees in With a touch of intuition and these illuminating tarot spreads on your side, you'll be able to gain some new insights into your relationships: past, present, and future. By Sarah Potter. If youre reading on a potential relationship, sometimes the Three of Cups predicts that you will get your chance to woo your lover over during a social gathering., Not to blow my own horn, but the above interpretation I previously wrote is so true! The second part definitely doesnt apply to us haha. Currently we do just enjoy each others company. . See Spreads, Nobody was looking for anything too serious, just someone to spend time with as friends which then developed into something more. You are praying that your intuition is telling you that everything is going to be fine. There are points in our lives, where like the two of swords, we must make a difficult choice in order to move forward at all. Love Potential Tarot Reading | Horoscope.com Tarot Love Potential Tarot Interested in someone but not sure if they're worth pursuing? (Its also evolution-hungry Plutos card.) Let us know about your tarot love spread readings and how theyve impacted you! If the card holds a trivial meaning, you must reflect on what this means for the potential of love. In this coming week, well be witness to the New Moon in Leo, which encourages us to focus on igniting our inner fires. As Aces are cards of beginnings and Cups are cards of emotions, The Ace of Cups is an excellent card to receive in a love reading if . This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader. May 1, 2023. Many of us have pulled the three of swords, a card of heartbreak, at one point in our lives and sighed, Of course.. Caring and nurturing, they For these goals, check out the ideas below. The above interpretation makes three very good points, all of which actually do apply to myself and my partner. Whether you are single, in a relationship or married, it is of considerable significance to reflect and ponder over the questions related to your love life. Scorpio is the witch of the horoscope, both in the good and the bad sense of the word. Things you can adjust. Since the Empress is about nurturing and abundance, use this spread when youre looking to learn how to better When in a reversed position, the person may be feeling overwhelmed by the relationshipor even suffocated. But (hopefully?) That means when the full moon is in this sign, we will be called upon Taurus is possibly the most well-grounded out of all the twelve signs in the horoscope. Since Justice is about fairness and objectivity, use this spread when youre faced with a dilemma, and you are Even in a love reading, the cards can point you in another direction! However, because I have the Love Tarot Meanings e-book to refer to, it isnt that hard! Most of the time, this card wont surprise you. Finally, once your spread is before you, Vanderveldt suggests noting your initial reactions to the cards and the way they interact with each other. Regardless of where you are on your journey. Nov 17, 2022. The time is not right to act. You may not feel valued, you may want recognition and honest attention from him. I both hope that my intuition is correct (that my partner is not an asshole) and I also wish to keep the relationship a secret. Looking for a new job is difficult. (This is where we'll send your reading once it's been done. The overall mood of the Knight of Cups tarot love card is often dreamy, romantic, and idealistic, suggesting the potential for deep emotional connections and creative inspiration. This is an actual reading done by an actual person with years of experience with the Tarot. (Note: Watch for Major Arcana cards, as they can indicate deeper love.). This gives it a very practical nature - that of the Earth - grounded and trustworthy, conservative in the Using tarot cards as a method of starting conversations in your relationship can be very effective. As you pull, think of your partner and you together, trying to remain as unbiased as possible. I do not think that he would like to sustain a relationship with someone who does not get along with his sisters so I will keep this in mind! Theyre hard to see now, but one day you will look back and see that this destruction and hurt made way for something better.. Well, that is as far as I am aware but you never know! Loss is something that will always accompany us in life. If youve read one of our last posts about asking the right kind of questions for your tarot readings, youll know that one of the things we actually dont recommend When will I find love? The Major Arcana is also known as the Fool's Journey, a universal experience of the self searching for fulfillment, belonging and contentedness. There might be forces out of your controldoesnt that sound a little like falling in love? Explore the Empress major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. So it won't take long. See Spreads, Two of Cups: There's a love-filled connection between you and your partner. For all the looming, more daunting questions and problems in our lives, we have the giant 12 card, 20 card spreads. Since Judgement is about self-awareness and reflection, use this spread as a post-mortem of a particularly intense situation or very fast over night. Your 1 card spreads will be delivered straight to your inbox! Theres no real incompatibility here, just an opportunity to learn how you and your partner fit together. Before I was with my current partner (at the start of the year) I had went through a really bad break-up; it was pure hell. "If you are looking for love and romance, the indication here is that possibilities look promising for you, however you will need to keep going. I am assuming that this card is discussing my ex relationships. The following spreads from tarot reader and founder of Witchy WellnessLeah Vanderveldt can be used to assess a current relationship and gain insight into a future one. Thats not to say that you will be getting married and having babies any time soon, the card can mean that, but know that the future is fun, bright and rosy for the two of you. If you cant really work it out, come back to it in a few days. See Spreads, We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. However, the Nine of Cups has a bit of a reputation for being a very selfish card, so sometimes it indicates that other people are too wrapped up in themselves to care too much about your relationship (which, in this case, is good).. The third card pulled in this potential love Tarot spread represents what brings you both together. Possible psychic breakthrough. We have just the thing. See Spreads, Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. You wish that your love story would be different, that he would simply come forward and explain everything. Explore the Tower major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Mar 22, 2023. These spiritual tarot spreads are designed to do just that. What part of me needs acceptance and love? You are here now because you want to know if everything will develop for the better. This card will usually represent outside influences, from friends and family to work. Once I have my mind made up that I want a lover to leave me alone, I cannot pretend to love them anymore. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. Before performing this spread, center yourself in the present, allowing yourself to concentrate solely on the Tarot. Get prepared with adaily Love Tarot Spread onlineon the quality of the energy. Differences reveal, well, differences! Life is progressing at an ever faster rate, and sometimes we can find it hard Instead, the primary lesson to learn from MAY 1, 2023 - Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius today. Here (spread position five) I will find all of the positives and good things about my relationship. What is our potential together as partners? The second point is the idea that one or both of us are afraid to love. It'll only take a few moments. However, these pulls could also start a really interesting conversation about what those desires really mean. All this makes you angry and sad. This fight, which just makes you think, will pass. After all, this guidance is meant for you and nobody else. This card may be obvious, but you may need to take time to reflect on its meaning. Use these full moon tarot spreads to help you understand what you're meant to discover during this phase. See Spreads, Oh love, it can both be wonderful and fulfilling, but when it goes wrongit can goreally really wrong. Thinking about getting back with the ex? The Love Quest Potentials Tarot Reading offers insight into not only you and a possible partner, but also into the situation as a whole, including advice for overcoming challenges and the potential for future developments. How my friends see me. Not all can be seen. Shuffle your tarot deck how you like (we like to shuffle then cut, like a deck of playing cards), and concentrate on your question. The Love Cross Spread consists of six tarot cards arranged in a cross pattern with two additional cards placed above and below the cross. This could represent a soulmate or even a twin flame (theres a difference!). A powerful practice for divination and introspection, tarot card readings have been around since the Middle Ages, offering fortune-tellers and everyday people alike a tool to help shed light on life's biggest questions.
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potential love tarot spread 2023