Client assignment failed from http to pki with error code failed to verify message could not retrieve certificate from MPCERT, Hi, with windows 10 and windows 11, you hardly need to use t, Hi, you can use powershell script something like this to rem, Hi, This right click tools is used to identify the missing u. is there any way we can push registry change via script ? Created connection on port 443 6. ccmperf.log. This means the client agent was still assigned to the old site. I have googled a lot of these errors and many point to certs which we're not using. MPStart(): ReadConfigurationSettings() returned 0x80041010. Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to SiteServer.Domain.local 1 assigned MP errors in the last 10 minutes, threshold is 5. For future references, also note that the errors in the ccmsetup log file that I was getting from before I solved this were the following: Updating MDM_ConfigSetting.ClientDeploymentErrorCode with value 2147500037, Failed to get client version for sending state messages. Result: Not Applicable, ResultCode: 0, ResultType: 0, ResultDetail: Failed to get SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Real-Time Protection\DisableIntrusionPreventionSystem. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. [LOG[Assigned MP error threshold reached, moving to next MP. I noticed that this key contained the site code of the old site which was USA. Current AD site of machine is AD-SITE LocationServices . LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Raising pending event:instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status{DateTime = "20221102163532.513000+000";HostName = "";HRESULT = "0x00000000";ProcessID = 8736;StatusCode = 0;ThreadID = 9512;};LocationServices 11/2/2022 9:35:32 AM 9512 (0x2528)Failed to verify Certificate with error 0x80070057. It is recommended that we could check the certificate and use the FQDN of the server in the Common Name section. But the client doesnt seem to realize that. Here is what actually went wrong. MP Manager outbox Discovery Data Manager (Trusted) maps to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\auth\ It involves the creation of few certificates which include IIS, DP and client certificate. This machine is and the next one works like a charm. so the firewall does looks an issue anymore Any other log which could gives more clues Failed in WinHttpSendRequest API, ErrorCode = 0x2f8f, [CCMHTTP] ERROR: URL=HTTPS://, Port=443, Options=480, Code=12175, Text=ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_FAILURE. LocationServices 20-07-2012 04:50:00 5592 (0x15D8) CcmMessaging.log Querying NLBNodeAvailabilityState registry value returned a status of 2. So the actual issue was that a large number of SCCM clients were failing to report to the primary site. The Certificate [Thumbprint 3E2A266B45FDE6632CDC6A568009B25B8D0F9243] issued to '' has 'Client Authentication' capability. The ccmmessaging.log assisted me further with my troubleshooting. Retrieved lookup MP(s) from AD
ProcessID = 11476; The log was filled with a nice sea of yellow and red with the repeated error. CcmMessaging 30/11/2018 14:04:00 6844 (0x1ABC). When you switch from https only to http or https and back, be aware that the site actually re-installs itself. Error 0x80072f8f Failed to send location message to 'https://MP.FQDN'. [LOG[Could not retrieve value for MDM_ConfigSetting . I investigated that registry entry like you have in this article, and while we havent applied site code via group policy, I do see the AssignedSiteCode key with the correct site in it. Most of all there was no entry of assigned management point. Failed to send management point list Location Request Message to [LOG[CcmSetup is exiting with return code 0]LOG]!>